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Self-published independent author, writer and avid enjoyer of stupid, popcorn entertainment. Always happy to help!
"We all have a thousand bad drawings in us, the sooner you get them out the better." - Chuck Jones.
Age 31, Gamer
The Shadow Realm
Joined on 11/11/05
Posted by homor - August 25th, 2008
so yeah.
i'll just wait this unnessicary ban for something i did a long time ago out.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXaZmY5 2gHM
Posted by homor - August 23rd, 2008
Everybody is Kung fu fighting,
Your mind becomes fast as lightning
Although the future is a little bit frightening(a little bit frighting)
If you look at your life then you're arriving,
You're a diamond in the rough,
You're a brilliant ball of clay,
You can be a work of art,
If you just go all the way,
Now what would it take to break?
I believe that you can bend,
Not only have you got to fight,
But you have got to win,
Everybody is Kung fu fighting,
Your mind becomes fast as lightning
Although the future is a little bit frightening(a little bit frighting)
If you look at your life then you're arriving,
You are a natural,
Why is it so hard to see?
Maybe it's just because,
the people are looking at me
The journey's a lonely one,
So much more than we know
But, sometimes you've got to go
You've got to be your own hero.
Everybody is Kung fu fighting,(Kung fu fighting)
Your mind becomes fast as lightning
Although the future is a little bit frightening(a little bit frighting)
You're a diamond in the rough,
You're a brilliant ball of clay,
You can be a work of art,
If you just go all the way,
Now what would it take to break?
I believe that you can bend,
Not only have you got to fight,
But you have got to win,
Everybody is Kung fu fighting,(Kung fu fighting)
Your mind becomes fast as lightning.
/* */
Posted by homor - August 18th, 2008
She was called a scarlet woman by the people
Who would go to church but left me in the street
With no parents of my own, I never had a home
And an eighteen year old boy has got to eat.
She found me outside one Sunday morning
Begging money from a man I didn't know
She took me in and wiped away my childhood
A woman of the streets this lady Rose.
This bed of Rose's that I lay on
Where I was taught to be a man
This bed of Rose's where I'm livin'
Is the only kind of life I understand.
She was a handsome woman, just thirty-five
Who was spoken to in town by very few
She managed a Lady of the Evening business
Like most of the town wished they could do.
And I learned all the things that a man should know
From a woman not approved of I suppose
But she died knowing that I really loved her
Off life's bramble bush, I picked a rose.
This bed of Rose's that I lay on
Where I was taught to be a man
This bed of Rose's where I'm livin'
Is the only kind of life I understand.
This bed of Rose's that I lay on
Where I was taught to be a man
This bed of Rose's where I'm livin'
Is the only kind of life I understand.
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Posted by homor - August 15th, 2008
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what i love about this video is its sel-shading.
it really adds a comic book effect, it really reminds me of the game XIII alot.
maybe thats just because the bad guy of the movie looks like number one.
i also love how closely it follows the song, but still doesn't have the excact same message.
Posted by homor - August 11th, 2008
now, don't get me wrong, i have zero problems with 4chan.
and i don't hate the word weeaboo, ON 4CHAN, you know, the place where the in-joke is relevent.
but i dispise the word weeaboo for one reason:
think about it for a fucking minute:
weeaboo is a word for someone whos too into anime?
except theres nothing in it to suggest that.
its fucking gibberish, its not clever, its not funny, and it sounds like it was made up on the spot.
unless you're using it with a bunch of close friends, or ON 4CHAN, WHERE IT MAKES SENSE AND AS RELEVENT AS THE IN-JOKE IT IS.
japanophile is even more stupid, its not at all clever, nor is it funny, its just taking a word and altering it, which would be alright, if it didn't come together so badly.
and insulting an anime nerd by calling him an "otaku" or whatever is just about as hypocritical as you can get.
so whats a word for anime nerd?
think about it, it means "wannabe-jap" but it could also be a parody of "wigger" or maybe its not, thats what makes it clever, you have to think about it, and it sounds better.
not only that, but it makes sense.
thats all.
Posted by homor - August 11th, 2008
-jerry seinfeld-
you know what i've been wondering?
whats the deal with SONIC?
i was playing this game yesterday and i was thinking, "WHY do they call him SONIC? i mean its not like you can't hear him or anything!"
*audience laughs*
and whats the deal with his name? SONIC? you're calling him sonic just because he can run fast? WHATS UP WITH THAT?
*audience laughs*
thats like calling mario "jump-man" just because he can jump! what is the deal?
-dane cook-
so i was playing GTA an-
*audience cheers louder than a superbowl crowd*
and i jacked one of the ambulance cars, and then when i got in it, i turned the siren on and turned the tv up really loud, so it made a really
*audience beings to laugh uncontrolably*
and my wife man, my wfie got really mad, i mean REALLY mad, like soul-shattering super-angry demon MAD, and she shouted "DANE TURN THAT DOWN OR WE ARE NEVER HAVING SEX AGAIN!"
and i was all like-
*dane drops onto the ground and begins to fail his arms*
*audience luaghs hard enoguh to raddle the stage*
*dane gets back up*
and then, after, and i mean like THE FUCKING VERY SECOND AFTER i had caught my breath, i looked up at the tv and it said "press R3 to start ambulance mission"
and i was stunned, i was all like "theres a type of mission in this game where, instead of just killing and hurting people, i can help people and svae their lives? ...cause i was happy just killing hookers!"
*audience luaghs loud enough to be heard in france*
so i decided to play it, and i drove thru the city trying to get to this one dying guy, and a worked really hard to find a balance between fast and careful, and i drove very carefully, making sure to hit any cars or run anyone over, and i finally get to the guy.
and the guys limping to me, his arm is broken and looks like hes been hit by a fuckin' train.
then, once he gets close enough to almost get, i back the car up really fast so he had to walk even more, like an asshole right?
*audience laughs*
and then i fucking speed and run him over and shout 500 POINTS MOTHER FUCKER!"
*audience laughs so hard that the stage lights fall off the roof.*
and i failed the mission and that just made me think "how would your boss feel if you did that in real life?"
and i could just see it now, the driver is sitting at his boss's desk, and his boss is going crazy! hes kicking shit over hes throwing shit at the wall and hes shouting "YOU FUCKING BITCH!"
*audience causes earthquack by laughing*
*audience bursts out in riot while laughing*
*audience explodes*
-geogre leopez-
what would mario be like if he was a mexican?
would he collect oranges instead of coins?
because sasque lets face it, hes not getting any coins, cause if he even asks for them hes getting deported.
*audienece laughs*
-carlos mencia-
what would mario be like if he was a beaner?
would he collect oranges instead of coins?
because lets face it, hes not getting any coins, cause if he even asks for them hes getting dePORT-ED!
*audienece laughs*
what you have just read is top secret.
these were all rejected snipets of stand up acts by several famous comedians.
when the comedians were presented these jokes by their writers, they were told by said comedians, all of whom called the jokes "too nerdy" a
nd said "The only people who would laugh at this shit are fucking idiots on a website who only laugh because they've played this games"
except carlos mecncia, who stole the joke from geogre lopez and was unable to use it due to being heckeled by that one guy.
Posted by homor - August 9th, 2008
its been over a year since i made that topic, its filled with spelling errors too.
even still, its about one of the most memorible and funny topics i ever made.
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/79 1468/1
well, theres also this: