hey Newgrounds, sorry i haven't been on as much, I've been on 4chan a lot lately.
the community is shitty but no worse than here and they have a co mic book forum.
anywho, it was my Birthday yesterday, as a tradition my family just gives the kid the money and lets them pick out whatever they want.
i went to the local comic book store and got:
Deadpool #900
Batman: The Killing Joke
A Justice Leauge Book with art by Alex Ross (look him up.)
Thorcules vs Hercuthor
Two Captain America Books
an Iron man book
an issue of Blackest Night
an Action figure of Batman
an Action figure of Bizaro
an action figure of Bizaro Batman
than we went to gamestop and i bought a nerw controler because my two old ones broke down, i also got a Rachet and Clank game.
so over all it was pretty fufilling.
so how was your day?
also, here's this picture: