i am so sick of the overration of that damn politcits forum.
everytime you say that most (if not all) newgrounds users are stupid prepubesnt shits someone idiot retard with a che shirt has to come in and say "LOLZ NOT POLITICS THEY ALL DISSCUSSION INTELAMEGNET THINGS LIKE HOW MUCH OF A FUCK BUSH IS LOLZ!!!!!!!!!"
if you say that thier are some smart users on newgrounds some dumbbass has to crawl out of his repetive dungenon crawling rpg where all you do is kill giant rats in a sewer for a 48 hours of gameplay where the main charecter is a teenage boy that looks like a girl who doesn't talk and can't remember a thing (but thats a rant for another day) and shouts to the the skys above asgard "LOLZ ALL TEH GUYZ ON GENERAL ARE DUMBASS FUCKS GOTO POLITICS THATS WHERE ALL THE SMART PEOPLE ARE I JERK OFF TO DICKGIRLS LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" making Odin sick to his beer gut.
i have something to say to you people:
you're all a bunch of fucking morons.
politics is NOT the most inteligent forum on newgrounds, and its far from the most enjoeble.
you see, many 10 year old faggots visit this site, and when a 10 year old who knows nothing of politics thinks "politics" he doesn't think about the news, or whats going on in the world today, new bills or laws or even mayors or congressmen, he thinks of geogre w. bush, this leads to many poorly made idioctic topics about how much bush sucks because they heard thier older "sence" brother talking about bush while watching CNN (whitch is just as biased towards the left (if not more) as fox news is to the right) they made an offical bush topic to combat this, but its innedible for there to be one of those stupid "bush is a baaaaaaaad man" topics, and the bush topic is like sticking your head into a giant concentrated jar of idiocay.
not only that, but there are constant threads about every week about stupid conspiricy theroys, now not all conspiricay theroists are stupid don't me wrong (my cosion for example, but hes not really that much of a conspiracy theroist anymore), but most of them idiots, a good amount of them are fucking retards, plus loose change has been preaty much disproven, but they completly ignore that, or any facts that disprove them really.
and don't forget the constant idiots who make topics about fox news being the devil and bill o' reilly lieing or some shit, of course its almost always (as bill 'o would say) spin, i say bill 'o not because i feel like hes a freind, but because his last name is stupid and hard to spell.
not to mention the stupid poorly made and spelt athiest threads about how hardcore they are because they don't belive in god and how science is always correct (even thou 50 years ago somewear around 90% of what we belived about medical science was false) who also seem to think science and evolution somehow prove there is no god have found a home on politics, making politics the trash can where everyone puts the stupid religion topics everyone hates (but many won't admit) not only do these topics have stupid athiests, but stupid christians who think that to be a "true christian" (in other words zealout) you have to constantly argue with athiests and push your religion on other people.
the biggest flaw would have to be how theres absolutely no room for jokes on politics, if you make a joke you'll ethier get flamed by people who take the arguement way too seriously or people will think you're being serious and try to debate with you seriously until you embarass them by pointing out the fact that it was a joke and they're a fucking retard.
also, the most obbvious flaw is that, guess what, all you can talk about is POLITICS.
new game out? FUCK YOU GOTO GENERAL.
had a bad day? FUCK YOU GOTO GENERAL.
someone you know died? FUCK YOU TWICE GOTO GENERAL.
this really wouldn't be a problem if idiots were always suggesting forsaking the general forum for the politics forum.
they could just say use a diffrent sites general forum, but i bet that forum has a politics forum too, so why be on the bbs at all?
oh? the conmunity? i just used up 10,000 chars explain why 90% of the comunity sucks ass.
now, the politics forum has a few smart people, but like the rest of this desolate site, they're out numbered by idiots.
so no, the politics forum is not the crown jewl of the bbs, nor does it have less idiots or more smart people, and the concept itself isn't even that good "HAI TIM N WAID LEZ MAK A FORUM FOR PEOPLE TO ARGUE ABOUT BUSH IN!" its really just a dumping ground for stupid threads like the ones i mentioned.
so in summary:
no, the politics forum is not better then general, shut the hell up.