Self-published independent author, writer and avid enjoyer of stupid, popcorn entertainment. Always happy to help!
"We all have a thousand bad drawings in us, the sooner you get them out the better." - Chuck Jones.

Age 31, Gamer


The Shadow Realm

Joined on 11/11/05

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homor's News

Posted by homor - June 10th, 2008

"Hollywood, California-

Lil' bush creator, writer, and director Donick Cary was arrested today on charges of terrorism, and using money gained from advertisment to fund terrorist groups.

the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) claims it found evidence of cary planning to commit terrorist acts upon such places as Alec Baldwin's "fat mouth" as written in one document seized from his home via warrent.

when arrested, Donick Cary started shouting "death to america!" before being struct over the head with the butt of one of the officers rifle.

"ha! make a bad tv show about that!" said the officer.

"i know of everyones concern" said Comedy Central president Doug parker during a press confrence "but do not worry, this will not effect the airing of the third season of Lil' bush! its has been renewed!"

he was then assualted by the angry crowd as they booed at him and threw rocks at the stage.

parker is now in the hospitial being treated for head wounds."

www.cnn.com/wow-if-you-still-think-i'm -t elling-the-truth-you-must-be-preaty-gu li ble.

wow guys, this is reallly something huh?

Posted by homor - June 5th, 2008

nothing needs to be said at this very momment.

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think you've seen the last of DR.TRAN?


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no seriously, theres alot of them.

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Posted by homor - June 4th, 2008

i'm so sorry, my little brother got into my account and is messing around.

oh, and he really has no problem with the KK, he just read shit is repeating it.

oh, i don't have guitar hero two ethier.

Posted by homor - June 3rd, 2008

Bar tender I really did it this time
Broke my parole to have a good time
When I got home it was 6 a.m.
The door was locked so I kicked it in
She was trippin' on the bills
I think she was high on some pills
She through my shit out into the yard
Called me a bum and smacked me real hard
And in my drunkin' stooper
I did what I should of never done
Now I'm sittin' here talking to you
Drunk and on the run

I'm sittin' at a bar on the inside
Waitin' for my ride on the outside
She broke my heart in the trailer park
So I jacked the keys to her fuckin' car
Crashed that piece of shit and then stepped away

You know mo I'll probably get ten years
So just give me beers til they get here
Yeah I know the sun is comin' up
And ya'll are probably gettin' ready for closin' up
But I'm trying to drown my soul
I'm tired of this life on a dirt road
And everythang that I love is gone
And I'm tired of hangin' on

She got me sittin' at a bar on the inside
Waitin' for my ride on the outside
She stole my heart in the trailer park
So I jacked the keys to her fuckin' car
Crashed that piece of shit and then stepped away

I guess it's meant to be
Romance is misery
So much for memories
And now I'm headed to the Penitentary
See me on T.V.
The next cop series
I am a danger
I guess I shoul've done something about my anger
But I'll never learn
Real things I don't concern
I poor kerosene on everything I love and watch it burn
I know it's my fault
But I wasn't happy it was over
She through a fit so I crashed that piece a shit nova

And now I'm goin' back again
Back to the pin to see my friends
And when we all pile out that county van
They'll ask me where I've been

I've been at a bar on the inside
Waitin' for my ride on the outside
She broke my heart in the trailer park
So I jacked the keys to her fuckin' car
Crashed that piece of shit and then stepped away

/* */

Posted by homor - June 1st, 2008

i'm using this blog post as a link dumbp for things i find funny or intresting that i can't embedded or aren't worth a topic.

Written Meterial-

I-mockery: the stupid toy series:
Number one.
Number two.
Number three.
Number four.

there are alot of stupid toys out there, and i-mockery is quite aware of that fact, watch as i-mockery covers the cheap, to the lame, to the flismy, to the over all bad toy ideas thruout the years.

what? that isn't enough? no problem! i-mockery mocks stupid toys on a regular basis.

Spiderman3 merch (not all stupid.)
17 stupid spiderman things (not all toys.)
stupid trading cards-
1 & 2
toys that aren't just stupid, they're dangerously stupid.
superman returns toys (again, not all stupid.)
Transformers the movie toys.

half life: full life Consequences-
half life: full life Consequences
Half Life: Full-life Consequences 2: What Has Tobe Done

lets face it, when we were really young we all wrote stories we find silly now, its even worse when someone makes a video about it in gary's mod where pants replace plants, unless its as funny as this one is. watch as DIY brings this tale to life in full life 3D graphics and full life realism.

Posted by homor - May 28th, 2008


"A little while ago, The O'Reilly Factor accused NBC of being liberally biased."

because it is, you fucking idiot.

they're covered with bais, if they wearen't, why would anyone be allowed to tell bush to "shut the hell up"?

"hell can a guy on Fox News, of all channels, talk about political bias with a straight face?"

show me a shred of proof fox news is biased.

you can't, because its not, you just say that because they don't insult Bush, Mccain, or republicans in general every half hour, SO THEY MUST BE BIASED HURR HURR HURR.

"O'Reilly himself is the stereotypical example of an overly-conservative news anchor and he thinks he's the only one on Earth with neutral views."

worng, he once said that ABC news did okay at staying netural, the main news station he rips on is NBC, and how can you say with a straight face that NBC doesn't lean towards the left, i can't say that fox news doesn't LEAN, and i said "LEAN" towards the right. (except hanity, thats fucking insane right-wing.)

"When every other news station in America is "more liberal" than Fox News,"

almost every other news station IS.

you can't tell me that there isn't alot of left wing news stations, it can't be done. because its wrong.

"it should be pretty obvious that Fox News is not taking any sort of middle ground."

oh really? because the anchors haven't ever leaned towrads or insulted Hilary, nor obama, nor Mccain. (maybe hanity, but come on, hanity's just crazy like that.)

"Does anyone honestly think that Fox News is balanced? I just don't see how anyone could possibly believe it."

yeah, they lean to the right, and hanity and colmes is preaty much all the way to the right (colmes is nothing but a living strawman.) but they atleast TRY to be balanced, (and partly succeed) NBC doesn't put even a LITTLE effort into not being biased.

they praise obama like a shiny golden god, they bash Hilary and Mccain like they were racist devils, don't beileve me? watch NBC for atleast two hours and tell me if you don't even see a little bias.

"But my problem isn't that someone accused NBC of being biased. The problem is that Fox News accused someone of being biased."

so fox news isn't allowed to tell the truth based on your bullshit assumptions of bias that were made while you were eating out lou dubbs asshole?



"Yup. Oreily is an overconfident douchebag trying to babble his way out of all the debates he gets into. If there were actually jdges in thos debates and arguments, he WOULD LOSE. HANDS DOWN!"

and yet hes constanly letting his guests have the last word.

and besides, babbling is talking, aren't you SUPPOSED to talk in a debate?


"Keith Olbermann, Lou Dobbs, and Jack Cafferty are just as bad a O Reilly"

no, they're worse.

still, thank you grammer.

Posted by homor - May 28th, 2008

/* */

Posted by homor - May 21st, 2008


harald walked thru the snow, the cold wind blowing against him as he holds his limp right arm, brusies and dirt marks were all over him, dried blood was stuck onto the left side of his lip.

the soles of his shoes were ripped, the bottom of them was completely gone.

"that bastard cleric" said harald, with a weakness in his voice "how could he send me home like this?"

harald's legs began to shake, he could bearly keep himself moving.

harald dropped to his knees, holding his arm, he bows his head down.

harald begins to breath heavily, his head hurts, he lets go of his limp arm and grabs his head.

harald cannot walk anymore, he falls face first into the snow, the pain is too great to keep moving, it is too cold to countinue walking, ans harald is exausted.

"woah" says an unknown voice, sounding like a dwavf "lets get you out of here."

the dwarf lifted harald up onto his shoulder.

harald didn't get a view of who lifted him, before harald could lift his head to see who it was, or even move, the fatiuge overcame him.

his head hurt more then ever, his vision wasn't striaght, harald could not countinue to stay awake.

harald closed his eyes and fainted.

harald woke up, but his eyes were still closed, he wasn't on his bed, the ground was rough stone, the sound of water drops coming off stalagtights and hitting the ground can be heard.

"no! p-please!" shouted someone with a weasley voice.

harald opened hsi eyes, and to his horror, saw where he was.

he was in a cave like area, the ground was black and gray, it was rough and riggy, the ceiling was completely covered in stalagtights.

harald stood up, his knees shaking, he legs bearly able to support him, still covered in his wounds, his right arm still limp.

"n-no! please!" shouted the same wealsely voice.

harald turned himself around, holding his right arm.

a large, cloaked figure was standing over a small, well armored goblin, both of thier left sides were facing harald.

the cloaked figure had a feathery wing on the right side of its back, like an angle's, and one bat-like wing on the left, like a demon's.

in one her hands was a giant walking stick, the hand holding was the stick had lether reptile skin, and sharp finger nails, but the left hand was normal.

the cloaked figure was the size of a god, it made the goblin look nearly invisible.

"please hela! one more chance!" shouted the goblin. "i'm sorry! please, i can't go now! i lived a life of evil and hatred! they'll never let me go untortured in the underworld!"

the cloaked figure took its hood off, revealing a felmale face with hair reaching down to her shoulders, the left side of her face was burned, the on that side closed.

"do you know why you were sent down here fraggletooth?" said the cloaked figure.

fraggletooth nodded no.

she banged the bottom of her staff on the ground.

behind fraggletooth, not even inches away from his feet, opened a giant hole.

fraggletooth flailed his arms wildly, the jumped away from the hole, landing on his face.

he looked up at hela, she gave him a cold unforgiving look.

"you're down here becuase you are a coward," said hela "you never fought a single battle without tricks."

fraggletooth had tears in his eyes, his fear was growing.

the hole expanded, fraggletooth would have fallen in, but he grabbed onto the edge.

hela walked up to the edge of the hole.

"the ill intent in your heart only made things worse for you fraggletooth." said hela.

from the darkness in the hole, a red hand emerged, the hand was thin, bones were poking thru it.

a tear drop fell off fraggletooth's fearful face, his tear drop fell onto the hand.

the hand clinched into a fist, and slowly moved back down into the darkness.

tear lines ran down fraggletooth's face, with a full toothed frown upon him.

"PLEASE!" shouted fraggletooth "you know what they do to loki worshipers down there! i'm doomed forever if i go into the pit! please!"

"your sins must be payed for fraggletooth." said hela.

the red, boney hand grabbed fraggletooth's right leg.

fraggletooth screamed out in horror.

fraggletooth shook his leg back and forth, trying to free himself from the hand's grip.

another hand quickly grabbed onto fraggletooth's other leg.

one of the hands put itself on fraggletooth's shoulder, and so did the other.

slowly moving itself up, it was a red demon, it's bones sticking thru its red skin, it had a long tounge sticking out of its mouth.

the demon licked the side of fraggletooth's face, fraggletooth watching in horror.

another demon jumped from the drakness, it jumped over the demon and knocked it off fraggletooth, it grabed onto fraggletooth's left shoulder.

the last demon jumped back up and grabbed fraggletooth's right leg hissing at the other demon.

the other demon made a scratching gesture towrads the other demon, whilist hissing.

another demon jumped from the darkness and grabbed onto fraggletooth's left leg.

the darkness below the pit cleared, there they were, hundreads of them, the red demons shouting and hissing at fraggletooh.

fraggletooth's face had huge tear lines on it.

fraggletooth let go off the edge, and fell into the pit, the darkness re-emergead.

the hole closed up, fraggletooth was gone.

hela turned her head over harald, who was watching in horror.

harald turned back, and began to run.

harald ran a good amount before stopping, he looked behind himself, he saw that there was no one there.

harald, breathing heavily, cocked his head back infront of himself, still no one there.

suddenly, something grabbed onto his cloak.

harald was pult up by whatever grabbed onto it, harald knew what had happened.

harald's cloak twisted towards hela, hela held harald up to her face.

"why the hell are you running?" asked hela "its not your time yet."

harald gasped as he woke, he was laying in his bed.

harald lifted his hands out of the covers and moved them off himself, harald noticed something on his chest, it appeared to be a box with a folded note tided to it.

harald removed the note for the box and unfolds it.

"Dear harald-

my name is dogna thundersong, i was the dwarf you found "dead" in the town hall with a plank in his mouth.

when you turned me over, you saved my life, if it wasn't for you i would have choked to death on my own bloody vomit.

my lower jaw was severly damaged, but my life is still intacted, i was the one who brought you home after you collasped in the snow.

if i haden't lived, i would have never realesed how selfish i acted in the town hall, the other man survived aswell, but lost an arm.

i have learned how much my selfish actions have hurt me, but more importantly, the people around.

i have a new, metal jaw to replace my old one, my speach is slurred now, and the doctor says that if i were to kiss a woman it would be like licking the bottom of a sink, and my upper teeth had to be replaced with metal implants aswell.

i do not blame the Goblins, i beileve they thought what they were doing was right, i do not blame the doctors, they did everything they could, i do not blame the other man, i started the fight.

i blame myself, i costed myself my own jaw, and i costed someone else their arm.

this box contains an old costume a dwarven gurad buddy once had, its about your size, and your costume is ripped and dirty, consider this a small part of a large repayment i owe you.

before you get too caught up in the sentimental value, you should know that he sold out my unit to a group of goblins durring a spying mission, got 5 people killed, and died in a gun battle with far east human gansters for control of a human drug running gang, and that i stole the suit off his dead body when it was shipped to udyr.

with love-

harald put the note down beside him, and opened the box.

in side the box were blue fingerless gloves, a black shirt, a blue armored vest, blue combat boots, black pants, and a gray cloak.

"well atleast its not copywritten." said harald.

meanwhile, inside the living room of the huose, on the first floor.

gor'thuk sits on the couch, his legs curled up to him, his arms wrapped around them, (one of them in bandages.) keeping completely silent.

next to him sits an elf, he has a red robe on and is holding a staffwith both his hands, he appears to be keeping himself up, but does not look old.

sitting across from them on another couch is charles, with a dwarven armored gurad at both his sides.

"so um..." says charles as he twiddles his thumbs "i heard you were in the infarmary the other day."

gor'thuk let go of his legs and planted his feet on the ground.

"yeah." said gor'thuk "i was training with harald and he gave a really nasty gash on the arm."

"and you didn't get mad at him?" said charles.

"mad? why on earth would i be mad?" said gor'thuk as he cracked a smile "the boy is becoming amazing warrior, i've never been more proud of him."

"huh," said charles "okay than, just wondering."

the conversation had ended.

gor'thuk looked over to the elf sitting next to him.

"so how was sensitivity training dwanstrider?" said gor'thuk.

dawnstrider cupped his hand his face.

"look man," said dawnstrider "i said some things i'm not proud of, about certain types of people, but its fine now, all i want to do is forget about it."

"alright" said gor'thuk "i was just wondering because you were at it for what, ten years?"

"nine, actualy," said charles. "i think he...crashed a bar mitzvah and started throwing out insults or some-"

dawnstrider threw his staff agianst the ground.

"look!" shouted dawnstrider as crossed his hands in an x motion "i really don't wanna talk about it okay! just drop it okay!"

"alright then." said charles.

"oh look," said charles "i think harald is coming down."

the staircase was silent, no one was on it, it didn't appear anyone was walking down it.

suddenly, footsteps were heard coming from the kitchen of the home.

harald walked out of the doorway connecting the living room to the kitchen, wearing the suit that was sent to him, holding a class of orange juice.

"no." said harald "i was already down here."

"when did you come down?" asked gor'thuk, looking puzzeled.

"about when you guys started talking about dawnstrider's anti semitism."

dawnstrider threw his staff onto the ground, walked up to harald and kneeled to him.

"i fucking told you all to drop it." said dawnstrider as he pointed his finger in harald's face, anger in his eyes.

dawnstrider stood back and and walked back to the couch, proceeding to sit down.

"okay..." said harald. "so, how are you gu-"

harald cleared his throat.

"so how are you guys?" said harald.

"i could do better." dawnstrider quickly replied.

"...eh." said gor'thuk. "me too."

"i'm doing fine, thank you for asking harald." said charles.

the room went silent, harald just stood there with the juice in his hands as the others sat quietly, doing nothing.

"oh! i just remembered why i came over!" said charles, breaking the silence "i need to see you in the throne room harald."

[end of chapter three]

Posted by homor - May 20th, 2008

Home in the valley, home in the city
Home isn't pretty, ain't no home for me
Home in the darkness, home on the highway
Home isn't my way, home I'll never be

Burn out the day
Burn out the night
I can't see no reason to put up a fight
I'm living for givin' the devil his due
And I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you
I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you

Time is the essence, time is the season
Time ain't no reason, got no time to slow
Time everlasting, time to play B sides
Time ain't on my side, time I'll never know

Burn out the day
Burn out the night
I'm not the one to tell you what's wrong and what's right
I've seen suns that were freezing and lives that were through
And I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you
I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you

Burn out the day
Burn out the night
I can't see no reason to put up a fight
I'm living for givin' the devil his due
And I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you
I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you

I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you
I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you
I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you

/* */

Posted by homor - May 20th, 2008

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound
He pulls the spitting high tension wires down

Helpless people on a subway train
Scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them

He picks up a bus and he throws it back down
As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town

Oh no, they say hes got to go
Go go godzilla, yeah
Oh no, there goes tokyo
Go go godzilla, yeah

Oh no, they say hes got to go
Go go godzilla, yeah
Oh no, there goes tokyo
Go go godzilla, yeah

Oh no, they say hes got to go
Go go godzilla, yeah
Oh no, there goes tokyo
Go go godzilla, yeah

History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of men

History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of men

History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of men

History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of men

/* */