Self-published independent author, writer and avid enjoyer of stupid, popcorn entertainment. Always happy to help!
"We all have a thousand bad drawings in us, the sooner you get them out the better." - Chuck Jones.

Age 31, Gamer


The Shadow Realm

Joined on 11/11/05

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homor's News

Posted by homor - July 27th, 2008

and i will put on this page.

all videos will be stacked, none of them can be replaced, none of them removed.

videos can only be placed in this post once.

any and all music genres are allowed.

oh, and before you even ask:

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lynerd skynerd, freebird.

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shut me up, MSI.

Posted by homor - July 26th, 2008

anyone remember that nick ad with the rapping silverwear?

what in fucks name was nick thinking when they made that?

rapping hasn't been a craze amoung youth since clinton left office, except to inner city kids, and even they would find this ad annoying and stupid.

not only that, but nick's main audiance is white suburban youths, not inner city kids who like rap.
what the fuck were they thinking in the brain storming room?

"okay, as the voice of the youth today, we need to stop kids from skipping breakfest."

"i got it! lets make a cartoon where a bunch of breakfest related items (you know, spoons, forks, plates.) sing a song about the importance of breakfest!"

"yeah! and lets make it hip hop! that way its much more modern and cool!"

"and in the video we can show them infront of alot of good looking foods!"

another funny thing is, most of the food they show is so fancy and expensive, theres a good chnace nethier of the target audiances ever ate them.

seriously, what ever made these people think this was a good idea?

without througher ado, the worst cartoon ever to grace tv since they cheapened family guys animation-

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Posted by homor - July 23rd, 2008

heres how it works:

you make a comment, in this comment you take away one point from one faction, and add another point to another.

Vikings- 6

Knights- 5

Spartans- 5

Pirates- 4

Civil war soilders- 5

Samurais- 5

Ninjas- 5

Wuzzles- 0

Posted by homor - July 21st, 2008

And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms;

And then the whining school-boy,
with his satchel And shining morning face,
creeping like snail Unwillingly to school.

And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress' eyebrow.

Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon's mouth.

And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lin'd,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part.

The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well sav'd, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,

That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion;
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

Posted by homor - July 21st, 2008

remember the 5 minutes when people cared about how bad this comic was?

and then we all moved onto better things?

remember powerup comics?

Posted by homor - July 20th, 2008

get me the number for 9-1-1!


Posted by homor - July 18th, 2008

tokyo, japan.

the year is 1984, deep within an underground labratory under the sea, a group of japeneses scientists were about to make the breakthru of a lifetime.

deep in the lab, they had found the secret to creating proper, human-like AI, coupled with perfect human-like movment, and superior strenght and speed to that of humans.

these three robots the japanese goverment created had the power to bring down entire armies, repair entire destroyed cities alone, and eventeach a giant black basketball player how to do a freaking free throw without SCREWING IT ALL THE -fork- TO HELL AND COSTING ME 500$ AND MY WEDDING RING-

*cough cough*

well umm, anyway...

the only error in these robots design? they were penguins.

this was due to a beaurcratic mistake (the worst kind) that lead to the scientists building them in penguin forms, despite every ounce of their own common sense telling them not to. (beaurcy's defenition)

when these penguin-bots were revealed to the public, they were mocked and despised.

the emporer, deeply upset over the stupidity of the mistake, took away the programs funding.

with no funding left to continue their work, the robots were launched off into space, left with only the ship, a projector screen, and a computer voice that translates written words to spoken english.

24 years later, this robots would be found by NASA, and afte a long period of research, found out everything about these penguins, including their giant screen that shows the written words spoken out by the robot.

NASA, knowing that shooting down these potentionally dangerous robots would cause an international crisis, decieded to put a much more overly complexed and stupid plan into action.

send them the worst written stories imagenable.

sadly, this plan was hard for them to put into action, because of safe checks that kept truly horrible stories from ever seeing the light of day.

however; there was another option.

thanks to the internet, anyone in the entire world could send out any story they wanted to the entire world, no matter how many gammar or spelling mistakes were in it, or how bad it was. (...hey, fuck you too.)

now, NASA will send these penguins the worst fan-fictions they can find, everything from "gary stu kills evil wizard" to "mary sue saves and falls in love with main charecter."

these are the stories of, the super robot ninja penguins IN OUTER SPACE.


inside the spaceship's living room (yeah, a living room in a spaceship, its science fiction, deal with it.) two penguins are sitting on a couch, the one on the left is wearing a blue bandana on his head, the other one is wearing a green bandana, his wings are crossed.

a penguin in a red bandana walks in, he appears to be holding a piece of paper in his hand.

"hey blue, green!" says the penguin.

"what, red?" says green.

"NASA sent us another fan fic!" says red "i thought you guys would want to know, because we you know, required to watch them."

"alright then." says blue.

blue and green jump off the couch and waddle into the entertainment room.


all the penguins take their seats in the theater-esc entertainment room, the "show" is about to start.


computer: now playing fan fiction "half life: full life Consequences."

red: I GET IT!

"John Freeman who was Gordon Freemans brother was one day in an office typing on a computer."

red: thats not really that great of a job when your brother works as a goverment scientist.

"He got an email from his brother that said that aliens and monsters were attacking his place and aksed him for help so he went."

green: aksed? what does that even mean?

blue: we must have gotten a futurama fan fic by mistake.

"John Freeman got his computer shut down and wet on the platform to go up to the roof of the building where he left his motorcycle"

red: yeah, leaving your motorcycle on a roof is a great idea.

"and normal people close because he was in his office lab coat."

blue: why do you need a lab coat for a deck job?

"John Freeman got on his motorcycl and said "its time for me to live up to my family name and face full life consequences" so he had to go."

green: a true american hero, that john freeman.

"John Freeman ramped off the building and did a backflip and landed."

blue: a hero who obviously craves attention.

"He kept driving down the road and made sure there was no zombies around because he ddint have weapon."

red: because if he had a weapon, he would have just left it on the roof.

"The contrysides were nice and the plants were singing"

blue: i don't think plants do that.

"and the birds and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky."

green: why are the birds following the sun?

"the mood was set for John Freemans quest to help his brother where he was."

blue: you mean his place?

red: why is he in such a hurry to get to a place filled with aliens and monsters when he doesn't even have a weapon to fight them with?

"John Freeman looked around the countrysides and said "its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys". "

green: "ah, what a lovely day, i think i'll go kill some aliens with my bear hands now."

"John Freeman was late so he had to drive really fast."


blue: what are you doing?

green: sound effects, like that robot from that show we're ripping off.

red: you don't make nearly as much money as he does, so don't even try it.

"A cop car was hiden near by so when John Freeman went by the cops came and wanted to give him a ticket."

blue: its nice to know that even in a world filled with monsters and aliens police still take speeding very seriously.

"Here John Freeman saw the first monster because the cop was posessed and had headcrabs."

blue: headcrabs? what the hell has that cop be doing in his free time?

" "I cant give you my lisense officer" John Freeman said
"Why not?" said the headcrab oficer back to John Freeman
"Because you are headcrab zombie" "

red: a zombie that is somehow able to drive a car, ask for a lisense, and still care about law enforcment?

"so John Freeman shot the oficer in the head"

green: but you he just sa-

red: don't bother, you'll just strain yourself.

"and drove off thinking "my brother is in trouble there" and went faster."

blue: that only rasies one question: what is "there"?

red: Gordon's place, haven't you been listening?

"John Freeman had to go faster like the speed of sound"

blue: ironicly, this is written.

"and got there fast because Gordon needed him where he was."

red: you know, if aliens and monsters were attacking my "place", the last thing i would want is for my unarmed code-monkey brother who leaves stuff on roofs to come help me.

"John Freeman looked at road signs and saw "Ravenholm" "

blue: also known as "gordon's place"

with someons writing under it saying "u shudnt come here" "

green: those damn head crab vandals!

"so John Freeman almost turned around but heard screaming like Gordon so he went faster again."

red: "hmm, that writing says i shouldn't go into the place i spent like an hour trying to drive to that i know has aliens and zombies in it, well its on a sign, i guess i'd better listen."

"John Freeman drove in and did another flip n jumped off his motorbike"

red: why?

"and the motor bike took out some headcrab zombies infront of John Freeman. "

green: wouldn't it have been easier to just run them over and keep the bike?

"John Freeman smiled and walked fast. John Freeman then looked on the ground and found wepon"

green: *mimicks zelda item finding song*

"so he pickd it up and fired fast at zombie goasts in front of a house.
John Freeman said "Zombie goasts leave this place" and the zombie goasts said "but this is our house" and John Freeman felt sorry for them becaus they couldnt live there anymore because they were zombie goasts"

blue: thats just plain tragic, i hope john does the right thing.

"so he blew up the house and killed the zombie goasts so they were at piece."

red: nope.

"Then John Freeman herd another scream from his brother so he kept walking really faster to get where he was."

green: gee, its a real shame he has to walk such a long way, if only he had some kind of one person movment device, like a MOTORCYCLE.

"Ravenholdm was nothing like the countrysides there was no birds singing and the pants were dead and teh dirt was messy and bloody from headcrabs."

blue: you know, i never understood what "teh" was, is that some kind of car part?

"When John Freeman got to where the screaming was started from he found his brother Gorden Freeman fightin the final bosss"

red: cool! king koopa's in this fan fic!

"and Gordon said "John Freeman! Over here!" "

green: "i need someone without the common sense to bring a gun with him on a trip to a place filled with zombies and aliens to help me fight a gaint monster!"

red: how did gordon gain the ability to talk?

"so John Freeman went there to where Gordon Freeman was fighting. John Freeman fired his bullet from teh gun really fast and the bullets went and shot the final boss in the eyes and the final boss couldnt see."

red: yeah, i thought thats what eyes were for, seeing and all that overated jazz.

"Gordon Freeman said "its time to end this ones and for all!" and punched the final boss in the face and the final boss fell."

blue: gordon is so badass, he punches a giant monster in the face instead of using his common sense and shooting it.

"John Freeman said "thanks i could help, bro" and Gordon Freeman said "you should come here earlier next time" and they laughed."

red: geez, its not that funny.

"The laughed overed quickly though because John Freeman yelled "LOOK OUT BRO!" and pointed up to the top of the sky. "

green: "look out! the clouds are starting to gray up! we might be drizzeled on!"

"Gordon Freeman looked up and said "NOO! John Freeman run out of here fast as you can!" and John Freeman walked real fast out."

red: gee, if only he didn't have to walk out,wouldn't it be just be so much better if-

green & blue: WE GET IT!

"John Freeman loked back and saw Gordon get steppd on by the next boss"

blue: i'm sorry, but isn't the final boss usally, you know, the final boss?

"and he was mad and angry."

red: and redundent!

" "I'll get you back evil boss!" John Freeman yelled at the top of lungs."

green: it should be noted that "lungs mountain" is located right behind ravenholm.

"to be continued..?"

green: no.

Posted by homor - July 18th, 2008

tuesday wensday happy days.

thursday friday happy days.

the weekend comes.

but i won't run.

rockin' all week with you!

these days are ours-ours-ours-ours.

sunday monday happy days.

Posted by homor - July 17th, 2008



Posted by homor - July 16th, 2008

i fucking love this show.

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