Self-published independent author, writer and avid enjoyer of stupid, popcorn entertainment. Always happy to help!
"We all have a thousand bad drawings in us, the sooner you get them out the better." - Chuck Jones.

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Homor's Corner of Bad Fanfiction: the Davey kins trilogy.

Posted by homor - August 16th, 2009

Welcome to Homor's Corner of bad Fan Fiction! pissing in the mouth of the entire Mary Sue family since 2008.

David Gonterman is a fairly controversial figure in the Fan Fiction community. and thats a really bad tittle considering that the fan fiction community is mostly made up of hacks and perverts.

most of his controversy comes from his story "Sailor Moon: American Kitsune" which, after he suffered massive internet backlash from it, denounced Sailor Moon and hasn't wrote any fan fiction of any source material of the story in a long while.

which is completely understandable, i mean why blame your own bad writing for the hate your story gets when you can blame the source material of the story instead?

of course we'll get to "American Kitsune" in a later installment, for right now, i want to focus on an earlier story, "Piasa Bird" which was one of David Gonterman's first fan fictions ever written, and the start of the Trilogy that ultimately ended with the infamous American Kitsune

this story is set in the same Banal Universe as American Kitsune and the much better received "Blood and Metal" which featured everything from Sonic the Hedgehog to Power Rangers. but this story focuses on the latter.

so without further ado, lets dig in to Piasa Bird.


a modern-day retelling of a Native American legend

who knew Native American's wrote Mary Sue Power Rangers fanfics?

as told by Zack, formerly of The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
oh Zack, you were always my favorite Power Ranger.

its a shame that in this

Directions for Reading: For best results, get Blood and Metal I with this file, and begin reading that file immediately after finishing this one. This is BAM's prequel and flows seamlessly into themain story.
Consult Doctor before use, Do not get into direct contact with eyes, if ingested please induce vomiting.

The story is placed in the Power Rangers Command Center. You will see it from the viewing globe as do the assembled [current] Power Rangers. The text comes from Zack's report of the incident....
thats actually pretty cool.

now lets see how long it is before you screw it up.

A bronze statue of a young man holding a double-barreled sawed-off shotgun
one line.

seriously, just so you know this is Davey Crockett (who is totally not a self Insert.)who is a Power Ranger. WHY IS A POWER RANGER WIELDING A GUN WHEN THEY HAVE ACCESS TO ROBOTS AND LASERS?!

standsbefore what used to be the Piasa Bird monument at the Alton cliffs.
yeah, tear down the awesome bird monster Statue for a statue of a Marty Stu with a mullet. assholes.

The dude who that statue was made after stands before it, only he had a robotic left arm in place of the real one he lost in his modern-day battle with this creature from Native American legend.
"we told him time and time again, 'if you keep trying to feed that thing, it'll go crazy.' but he didn't listen."

But the wacked part is that it wasn't the Piasa Bird that removed his real left arm,
oh so was it Lord Zed who did it? or was it a childhood accident? or something else that makes complete sense in a Power Rangers setting?

but the ethnic strife in the area that woke it up.
...wait what?

but the ethnic strife in the area that woke it up.
...wait, WHAT?

but the ethnic strife in the area that woke it up.
...Ethnic strife? WHAT THE HELL?

this is POWER RANGERS, you know, Japanese Stock footage, awesome giant robot fights, Teenagers being Teenagers, YOU CAN'T HAVE ETHNIC ISSUES IN FUCKING POWER RANGERS! what the hell is wrong with you?

maybe he didn't mean it like that, maybe by "ethnic" he meant some completely unrelated word.

The Piasa Bird is a legend students in St. Louis history get to know early. It was about a monster resembling a jaguar with wings and a tail long enough to do laps around the body
you can do some pretty kinky shit with that.

oh god i'm horrible.

400 years ago, this over-glorified canary showed up one day, and began snacking on the natives, until a brave warrior and six of his friends fought it off.
which is TOTALLY not an allusion to the events of this fanfic! seriously!

The bird disappeared into the Alton cliffs and was never heard from again until a few weeks back, around the time that a racial riot that resembled the Rodney King incident broke out around here.
well i guess tha- hold on, what?

around the time that a racial riot that resembled the Rodney King incident broke out around here.
...well, you read that right folks, Gonterman is inserting his uncomfortable awkward views on race into a fucking POWER RANGERS fanfic.

this is going to be a LOOOOONG fanfic.

What set it off was really predictable if you keep up to date in politics today, like my friend Jason does:
yeah, Zack doesn't keep up with current politics, he's just the self hating Token Black used as a soapbox for Gonterman's immature views on race relations.

Two white cops had to use their night-sticks to stop a black gang-banger on PCP. The cops were tried but they were found innocent. The black community started to protest in the streets. The media did their spin on the whole thing. The Republican-controlled congress in Washington went on TV and warned people not to riot like the people in South Central did. One person got up and shouted something about a lack of compassion, or some other Politically Correct phrase. One thing led to another, and before anyone knew it, there was fighting in the streets, burning cars, and all-around rioting and looting in the heartland.

am i even READING a Power Rangers fanfic anymore? this doesn't sound like ANYTHING that would happen in the normal Power Rangers Universe anymore. the story is so caught up with its weird ass views on race and politics I've almost forgotten about The stupid bird monster!

The part I don't get is that, if the main argument was black-vs-white, why did other ethnic groups had to get involved? Like why did some PC Thought Police idiot group picket the world opening of Disney's newest flick, 'Pocahontas?'

because its presents a highly abridged and downright inaccurate version of history?
WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH POWER RANGERS? this stupid race argument and rantings about Pocahontas have completely high jacked the story!

What were they to gain by saying that a harmless movie is bad history?
its not just bad history, its also bad geography. Virginia looks nothing like that.

but that's getting out of the subject.
and getting out of plot.

and getting out of theme.

and getting out of setting.

and getting out of character.

Our hero's name's Davey Crockett, a college student, aspiring artist, and chronic daydreamer. You'll won't know him, he's not the sociable type.
"he's just perfect in every way and and is completely invincible."

My--ahem--sources tell me that he got a case of mental illness several years after high school; I guess that if you get nagged by your parents day in and day out to get a job that just ain't there in the real world, you'll sink into depression too.
sounds like daily life for everyone in the fucking world to me.

He's been doing okay now with counseling and Prosac
okay how many awkward things can you fit into one fanfic?

up to the point where the PC mob at the theater caught him talking with me, Jason and Trini over the movie.
right, because as you remember people concerned with the incorrect and downright dangerous view of history in Pocahontas went around beating people up.

Man, it was a miracle that Davey got all four of us in his car and got away before they tried to scalp him, or whatever they had in their sick little minds for rednecks from the Metro East side of the Mississippi River. He didn't stop 'til he got to his apartment in Granite City, where we decide to hide themselves in for the night; have a party too while were here.

now you're talking about running away from Redneck haters and having a party in your apartment, NONE OF THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING.

Eventually, we all got close enough to tell each other our experience in trying to live in a Multicultural society. Although none of us will admit actually hating another group, there was a moment of two in each of our lives that race relations rubbed us the wrong way.

and you know what? when and how did Crockett become your friend? and-- you know what? for get it. i don't want any back story on this jumbled mess.

For example, Davey had an African-American history teacher with--

you know what? don't care about his stupid teacher. lets just move the fuck on.

The next morning we went outside to hear people talking about how the earthquake was like. We didn't feel any quaking except for a train speeding by Davey's backyard now and then. Little did we know that one of those faint rumblings didn't come from any train.

Rosanne moved next door.

"We didn't have the TV on then," I said. "We don't know about any quake!" "Must be that New Madrid fault line," Davey added. "It was about time it acted up." "I'm afraid that it wasn't any fault," one neighbor interjected. "This quake came from some sort of explosion from the Alton Cliffs. Here's the news feed on TV, come look for yourselves."
finally, we're getting somewhere passed this stupid race thing.

The cliff looked like the Oklahoma bombers practiced on it
...really? you really had to bring THAT up? as if this story wasn't already too fucking awkward for words?

that does it. we're done.

August 20th.

no we're not.

A giant crevice appeared where the metal sculpture of the Piasa Bird once stood, spreading fifty feet wide at front and narrowing down some seventy-five feet before disappearing into black smoke beyond. The blast--if it were a blast--had not only leveled the visitor's center, which was supposed to be directly under the absent cliff, but it also dug a trench that leads into the river, pouring water into a dark cave where the smoke came out of.

shit blows up.

Only a brave band of news reporters arrived to investigate what they thought was an earthquake.
so its brave to be really stupid and put your life in danger just to get a story? Lois Lane must be fearless than.

"Great, just what Alton needs now," Davey quipped in the usual smart- alec manner when faceing things he has no control over.
that manner would later make his fued with ED a hell of a lot worse.

Suddenly a terrifying scream came from inside the cave. It was so loud that it made windshields shatter and the ground to shake. A gust of wind as strong as a hurricane spewed smoke, sulfur, and pieces of rock the size of soccer balls out toward the camera knocking it around a few times before allowing it to settle on the ground, still facing the cave. It had a perfect view of what came out of that cave.
Damn you Rosanne! does your destruction know no limits?!

The first to appear was a billow of flame, streaming out toward the water as if it came from a flame thrower, next was the horns, white and twisted, each like a twisted gnarled tree in winter.

After that the fangs appeared, as large as elephant's tusks, but jutting upward from a severe underbite, one on each side of the flame throwing nostrils of its lion-like face.

At each side, about five feet back, the wings sprang out of the mist. Each wing was thirty feet wide and webbed like a bat. They flapped with a force so strongly it uprooted trees as they passed by. They protruded from a white leopard's body.

Fifteen feet long and standing seven feet tall, with claws as big as butcher knives.

holy shit it is Rosanne.

"That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen in my whole life! Don't look at him. You'll turn to stone!" "Holy! What on earth is that thing?"
hey stop that, Gonterman is not that ugly.

"I know what it is," Davey said. "My God. It's the Piasa Bird."
oh wait, you're talking about the bird thing, okay. sorry.

The monster shrieked in rage upon being noticed. It took off with those monstrous wings and went directly for the helicopter camera, its crew screaming in horror as it approached. While the monster attacked the camera broke free, and everyone who watched got to see the Piasa Bird feast on the helicopter pilot before the camera splashes into the river and sinks into white snow.
"we may die! but atleast our TV station will be #1 in the ratings!"

None of us took long in deciding what to do. Between Davey's knowledge on what this Piasa Bird was about, and the rest of us wanting to keep St. Louis safe from this local version of Godzilla, we've decided to destroy this creature, or at least put it back to sleep for another 400 years. The only question on our minds is how that thing woke up.


okay, to be fair i think this story is set in the Zeo era, when Zack and Jason were former Power Rangers.

so where the fuck are the current Power Rangers?

Trini said that the inability for everybody to just get along got whoever counts as the Great Spirit pissed off and woke the creature. A neighbor who was heavy into New Age said that all the negative vibes that we all were giving off that woke it up from its slumber.
so the Monster is powered by Racism?


Davey only said that it woke up from all the noise. Whatever.
which is a stupid theroy because why wouldn't it have woken up when a plane flew over it? or why didn't wake up because of that subway from before?

The point is that we have a jaguar with wings and a tail that can do three laps around the body trashing St. Louis like a Japanese monster movie, and unless you count us, there was not a Power Ranger in sight. Oh, hell. No rest for the wicked, I guess.

did all just get on a bus and wait for David to be done waving around his Marty Stu Awesomeness? i mean it makes no sense!

We did most of our homework while everything was going to heck on the news. We got a printout of the Piasa Bird legend, and read it for clues.

you don't need fucking clues to stop it! you're Power Rangers! you should be out there fighting it!

and keep in mind, this story was written in the late 1990's. the Internet was slower and much more empty.


>From the legend, we learned that 'Tweety' here is supposed to have a thick hide, almost like chain mail on medieval suits of armor, but it had a weak spot directly underneath the wings.

That's okay is you're throwing spears at it," Davey noted, "but today we've got weaponry that will cut through that like a hot knife through butter."
hey, Marty Stu is pointing out the plot holes.

"Yo, Genius," I said, "did we have to print this out to learn this?"
now Zack is doing it too!

"We'll have that advantage," Davey responded. "

We just have to find the Power Blaster to feed it with."
yes, as long as we find the Power Blaster we should be fine.

We couldn't find the Power Blaster.

We did find enough guns and rifles to arm a small malitia, with a small fortune on armor piercing bullets, hollow tips, Black Talons, and many other illegal ammo that'll kick some butt. We also found a bulletproof vest for each of us.
i'm sorry but, where did Marty Stu get all this shit? is his Uncle in the Mafia? did he just...make them all randomy appear with the power of Marty Stu perfectness?


All this while dodging a riot that was still going on--you'd think that a bunch of inner city people will have enough sense to stop this "No Justice, No Peace" crap and duck inside their homes when a monster starts trashing their neighborhood! Sheesh!
okay, i know Gonterman is trying to make a point here, but it's stupid.


however, a giant monster attack is as good of a time as any to loot.

This would be a whole lot easier is we were in the good-old rainbow-colored spandex. One problem, though: What color would Davey be?
...really? you're in the middle of a riot, a giant monster is attacking the city, and all you can think about is what color Power Ranger David is going to be?

okay, if thats not a case of Marty Stuness i'm not sure what is.

Now, this is when things really start going crazy. Davey Crockett is not one prone to risk life or limb.
Spoiler: he loses his Arm.

don't think that he had something to prove to me, Trini or Jason, or this city, especially when his hometowm thinks he's a nerd. Yet, he said that he had something to prove to himself when he volunteered to stand alone in full view on top of the tallest skyscraper in the city,
ethier he wanted to prove how stupid he is by making himself bait, or he wanted to make sure everyone know hot perfect he was. because he's awesome McMarty Stu!

while Jason, Trini, myself, and several other volunteers were waiting in the wings to blind side the Piasa Bird when it comes for him. He said that he wanted to be someone that other Angry White Men can look up to; someone who is more then just a racist, sexist, homophobic, well, you know.
too bad he is Racist, Sexist, and Homophobic.

"I don't think that is the reason you're doing this," Trini said to him. "I think you have some Native American in you, Davey. If it isn't from your bloodline, you probably picked it up somehow."
okay that is just so stupid i can't sum it up with words.


It was at the last light of sunset when the Piasa Bird streaked from the western horizon. It strafed the treetops with the speed of a jet as it approached St. Louis. There was not a light in the skyline except for the spotlights poised at the top of the tallest building, which was where it saw his next victim. With a shriek of delight, it picked up speed and attitude to take his prey head on. If it could notice, it would find out that its target for the night had on a bullet proof vest and an eagle feather tied to his SIUE cap. It would also see that his target, named Davey Crockett--as if it cared--was holding a sawed-off shotgun aimed directly at its head.

oh how i hope it kills him.

"All right, pal," Davey shouted. "What's on your mind?" Davey waited until both him and the Piasa Bird can see their reflections in each other's eyes before he pulled the trigger.
which is retarded.

seriously, WHY WAIT SO LONG TO SHOOT IT? IT WOULD PROBABLY BE DEAD BY NOW, and if it wasn't for dramatic convince HE'D sure as hell be dead by now.

It was nothing short of awe-inspiring. I thought, Zordon, put this guy in the Power Rangers now!!!
"wow! he made himself an open target, waited to shoot for no other reason than to look cool, and he's a blatant Self Insert! put him in the Power Rangers now Zordon!"

The Piasa Bird did a back flip in midair before landing before Davey, and then, looking him square in the eyes, swallowed the buckshot he fed into its mouth.
"he than proceeded to turn around, and kill David by farting the bullets back out at him."

"Crud," Davey cursed. "Bad idea."
no shit.

The Piasa Bird pounced out for Davey, but at the last moment, he sidestepped out of the way of the talons and opened fire at it some more, setting it up for the rest of us to open fire at the sides. Some bullets bounced off the hide, some manage to intrude themselves between the scales, but others found the weak spot; the area under the wings that was unprotected.
i'm sorry but why are the former Rangers using real firearms? its completely out of setting.

David Gonterman has so far completely failed to take advantage of the Power Rangers setting, he could just remove all the Power Rangers refrences and just have his own original story. an original racist story but still...

With an agonizing scream that shattered the glass windows of that skyscraper, the Piasa Bird did another loop and plunged into the dark streets below. Davey watched the monster fall as long as he dared before vertigo overtook him. After a few tense seconds he turned to us and triumphantly cried out, "We did it!"
we did it! he's totally actually dead! theres not going to be a plot twist where it turns out he's alive or anything!

Without warning, and I would say on a cue, the Piasa Bird appeared out of the darkness below, snatched Davey up by the talons, and carried him off the scyscraper!
oh well that came out of nowhere.

Fortunately, the vest kept him from being impaled by the sharp talons.
yeah, he just ripped through Helicopter Metal but he can't rip through simple lead. idiot.

Even so, he was hanging from the Piasa Bird by its talons, nearly blacking out from the loops, twists, and spins it performed.
why is it preforming spins, twists, and loops? does it have ADHD?

He ran out of ammo in his shotgun, so he had to throw it away and reach for a handgun that he had in his belt. Davey aimed carefully for the chin of his captor, and what seened like an eternity trying to aim, he fired one Black Talon right up the Piasa Bird's chin.
so what, after surviving hundreads of bullets this is going to be the magic Marty Stu bullet that kills him?

The Piasa Bird's head exploded in a burst of blood, brain, and bone. (Dang, No wonder Black Talons are illegal!!!) It fell like a rock immediately, with Davey along for the express ride to the streets below.

fucking hate you all.

where the hell were the rest of the Power Rangers while this thing was attacking? or the Military? are they all just standing out of the way so David can show off his Marty Stu greatness.

We were almost at the place where they landed when we could hear Davey say, "Aw, Crud, it's you."

Then we heard a gunshot. This is where that incident with that Black History Teacher comes into play, because It was she that shot off his left arm, with the same gun used on the Piasa Bird. Yes, with the same type of bullett too.
funny story: that history Teacher is based off David's real life history teacher who gave him an F on his report on race history. which was, judging by this story, patronizing and totally racist.

I was immediately pissed off at that woman for what she did. Davey Crockett saved his city and this is how they thank him? I tackled that witch to the ground and asked her why. She said something about getting back at his ancestors for what they did to her ancestors. I would've killed her if Jason hadn't pried me off.
yeah i'm sorry, NO ONE IN REAL LIFE DOES THAT.

no Black person is going to shoot off your arm after you saved the city from a bird monster just because you hade a MINOR disagreement with them.


its just like everything else in this story!

I was still angry over Davey's condition though. I would rather see him dead than having him wake up with a good excuse to join the Klan.
what the fuck did you just make Zack say?

I would rather see him dead than having him wake up with a good excuse to join the Klan.
...you know what was one of the things that made Zack so awesome?

its that he was a Black person, but no attention was given to the fact that he was Black. his apperence on the show didn't make room for any preachyness or awkward moments.

yet HERE, he's a SELF HATING TOLKEN, who's only reason for narrating is so he can SPOUT OUT THE AUTHOR'S IMMATURE AND UNDER DEVELOPED VIEWS ON RACE.

let's just move on. i'm so pissed.

I mean, he had a future with that left arm. He was going to college to get an art degree. He was going to make something for himself, something nobody expected him to do. I went everywhere defending his case; It just wasn't fair.

oh Zack, Zack stop it.

stop kissing David's ass like he's jesus mixed with Kung-fu. okay? you're your own, intresting character. yet your only purpose in this story is kiss the Author's ass and agree with him on EVERYTHING!

Fortunately, I got heard. Somehow--I believe it was Zordon--made a state-of-the-art cyborg left arm for Davey. This one was special; it had a compartment in the lower arm with more gadgets than a Swiss Army Knife. He must've made it so that he woke up from the operation with that arm attached to him.
i can only imagien what Zordon was thinking when he did that.

"Well, Zack i really don't like this guy, he seems pretty lame of a character, too perfect, too powerfu, but you seem to do nothing but talk about him like he's your gay lover so i'll help him out."

He heard the mayor of St. Louis right above. "We did wrong to you, son," he said. "I won't blame you for hating us black's for the rest of your life." I held my breath for the worst.
a common theme in Gonterfiction is people kissing his ass, Original Characters, Cannon Characters, even REAL PEOPLE now.

Davey just smiled at him had gave him the thumbs up sign. I couldn't believe it. I just broke down crying. This guy's a regular prince.
oh god, Zack, no! have some fucking self respect!

he would've had absolutely ZERO right to be angry at the entire Black race because one person shot off his arm. and the fact that you're so willing to forgve him, kiss his ass, and call him jesus for the most human shit is just retarded on so many levels it breaks all logic.


He said that it was okay, the city was safe, the riot was stopped, and the woman that shot off his arm's facing justice.
"she would later get a ten dollar fine and a weekend of community service."

That's all he wanted. Davey Crockett's a regular hero. He didn't need no stinking spandex, know any martial arts, or even have a Zord. Although now with that cyborg arm, he's his own mech now. Forget the Power Rangers, We've got Davey Crocket--King of the Cyber frointier!
oh god i think i'm going to puke. what the fuck did i just read?

this is the single worst instance of Marty Stu ass kissing in any fanfic i ever read. EVER.

They made that bronze statue of him in honor of that ni--
yeah, i read the Prolouge.

Davey plans to return to college to complete his degree, then move to Angel Grove to persue a career. I wish him well. And Zordon, If you're reading this, I would like to thank you for what you did to Davey. May the power potect him. May the power protect us all.

Zordon would later knee Zack in the balls as hard as he could for the saddest case of ass kissing he's ever seen.

which was hard because he was a head, but whatever.

after this theres an Epilogue up on the Power Rangers base, but its in script format.

and that was Piasa bird. David Gonterman at his absolute worse.

or is it?

join us next time, where we'll look at the second part of the Trilogy, "Blood and Metal"!


Prepare the facepalm.

its actually a FaceWall.

as long as we're talking about bad fanfics, i'd thought i'd leave this here:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Teletubbies and Slaughterhouse 5. The story should use bondage as a plot device!

oh, and these:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Emeril Legasse and Parappa the Rapper. The story should use hurricanes as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining American Idol and GI Joe. The story should use magic as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining The Fairly Oddparents and Rocko's Modern Life. The story should use regicide as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining The Simpsons and Home Improvement. The story should use a haunted house as a plot device! -not completely implausible.

few more than i'm done.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining the Lion King and Captain N: The Game Master. The story should use getting sucked into the "real world" as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Rugrats and Pokemon. The story should use shopping for a Wii as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Family Ties and Growing Pains. The story should use car accidents as a plot device! -tonight on a very special episode...

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining I, Robot and Animorphs. The story should use a secret government plot as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Rocky Horror Picture Show and Siegfried & Roy. The story should use drug abuse as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Bubble Bobble and Ah! My Goddess. The story should use an orgy as a plot device! - i think this is a real hentai manga.