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This is an updated version of an older blog post. I'm hoping that in this *expanded* and *enhanced* version, the important details and facts I left out the first time will become much more clear, and I'll be able to better explain some things I didn't explain thoroughly enough last time.

Here's an in-depth analysis and explanation of a troubling situation me and a friend have been dealing with involving Project Pixkill, internet polling, and Tankman. My friend has asked that I don't use his username, so I'll just refer to him as "my friend."

Back in the winter of 2019, Project Pixkill, a series where adorable sprites of famous fictional characters brutally slaughter each other in the field of battle. The winner is determined by the result of viewer polls put up by the creator, 53xy83457. The poll that caused all the commotion was "Doom Guy vs Tankman."

What I didn't realize at the time was how emotionally invested my friend (who asked that I not use his username) was in Tankman winning. See, usually in Project Pixkill, Newgrounds characters and obscure underdogs tend to win. It was a tradition he really appreciated, and I did too.







(Editor's Note: all the fights screencapped here were way before the FNF Ludum Dare prototype)

Furthermore, the fact that Newgrounds characters always won was also important to him, because it showed how loved, respected and appreciated the site was by 53xy's fanbase. He believed it would be a good tribute to Newgrounds, seeing as Tankman is the main mascot. Trouble is, it was looking like it wouldn't happen this time. To make matters worse, I also initially voted for Doom Guy.



Why did I do it? I thought Doom Guy was cool, just like a lot of other people. But I didn't think about the tradition. I just forgot about it. Even then, it was a tricky decision for me, and there was a 50/50 chance I'd vote for either character. Later, once he finally pointed it all out, I regretted my choice. To be honest, in hindsight, I felt a little stupid afterwards.

I ultimately decided to change my vote to Tankman for several reasons, like the fact that I really do like obscure characters more, and that just like my friend, I thought Tankman should win because he's a Newgrounds representative. but the strongest of which being that I realized how important it was to him. It might seem silly to some, but Newgrounds holds a special place in his heart, as it does in mine. 

Naturally, this really upset my friend. He repeatedly expressed displeasure and sadness over the fact that I didn't vote for Tankman, and that Doom Guy was winning. He felt like it was unfair and it seemed to really hurt his feelings. He had a lot of emotional investment in this, it seemed this tradition was really important to him. Later, he'd tell me that he was hoping that by getting me to vote for Tankman it could help turn the tide, that maybe we'd both be motivated to rally more votes for him and turn it back. Unfortunately, by the time I changed my vote, it was already clear Tankman was going to lose.

Keep in mind, this was in 2019. Quite a while before Tankman saw a huge uptick in popularity thanks to Friday Night Funkin, which was originally released as part of the first Ludum Dare Game Jam in October 2020. At the time, he was fairly obscure. Sure, he's the mascot of Newgrounds and all, but how many people have seen JohnnyUtah's fantastic Tankman series before then? So, by all means, Tankman was definitely an underdog.

You can see why my friend thought Tankman would win, and why he thought I'd vote for him. Finding out I didn't, and that Tankman lost, would naturally hurt a lot worse because of this expectation. I’m sure the stark contrast between the expectation/hope and final result made things quite painful.

It's inspiring to see a smaller character triumph against the odds and win, to achieve victory despite having a small chance. If Tankman, a beloved but slightly obscure dark horse character from Newgrounds had successfully beaten an extremely popular, absolute juggernaut like Doom Guy, it would have been a massive victory. So, for these reasons, I felt Tankman was arguably the better choice.

(Editor's Note: Oh, and I should mention, all these compelling arguments for why Tankman should have won were thought up by my friend :D)

Tankman's loss was a gut punch for my poor friend, especially with the expectations he had that weren't met. I sometimes still wonder if I had changed my vote earlier, if it would've helped build up more momentum. The ratio by which Tankman was defeated was even more disheartening, losing with only 18% of the vote to Doom Guy's 82%. I imagine if the vote were much closer, it wouldn't have made us both feel so badly.

To this day, my friend is still upset over it. He's still disappointed with the outcome and wishes it happened differently, and that I voted a different way. It didn't seem very important to me at the time, but now I realize with how much emotion he had invested in this fight, I regret not voting for Tankman sooner.

But, hey, maybe one day they'll invent time travel and we can pull a Marty McFly. Until then, what do you guys think? What's your take on the situation? Is anybody in the right, or the wrong? Is anybody at fault? Your thoughts are deeply appreciated.

With all that, we'll close out on a few life lessons I think we can all learn from this :)

1. Communicate clearly, Make sure people know what you want and what's important to you.

2. Don't act in haste. Think carefully before you do something and ask questions.

3. Be kind, and others will be kind back.

4. See failure as opportunity to learn, and discomfort as an opportunity to grow stronger. Challgenge yourself and you'll keep evolving and get better!

Have a great day, people!


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Available for Work


Anderson Steel

Work Email: Jackblackstack@gmail.com

Tumblr: DoctorBleed.tumblr.com


Creepypasta: https://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/User:DoctorBleed

FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3278693/

My Published Novella: https://www.amazon.com/Doctor-Bleeds-Misery-Anderson-Steel-ebook/dp/B072C59HQ3

Independent Writer looking to take commissions for written work, including Ghost Writing. I have experience with self-publishing and uploading work online. Offering economical prices far cheaper than industry standard. Time taken to write works will vary depending on content and personal challenges. Refunds are offered up until the first draft is completed.

Commissions can include:

  • Short Stories
  • Articles
  • Fan Fiction
  • Reviews
  • Advertising Blurbs
  • Greeting Cards or Letters
  • Erotica/Smut is allowed and you will not be charged any additional fees if the content of your story is erotic in nature. (See "Commission Process" for more information)


Notice: Prices are negotiable based on the content of the story, my current workload and my relationship with the client. Don't be afraid to ask!

  • 100-1000 Words (short) - $8.00
  • 1000-3000 Words (average size) - $15.00
  • 3000-5000 Words (chapter length) - $20.00
  • Multi-Chapter stories can be commissioned at $10 per Chapter ("Chapters" are roughly about 2000 words)


  • If I end up writing more than what you paid for, you will not recieve any additional charges.
  • Refunds can be requested at any time before the story is completed. In such a case, production on a written work will cease. Please allow roughly 1-2 weeks for repayment to go through. If your story is partially completed by the time the refund is requested, you may receive a partial refund based on the amount of progress made.

[Commission Process]

Step 1 - Outlining

This is the initial step of the process, before money is exchanged. You explain what you want me to write and send me an outline of what you want the story to be and the direction it will go in. This can be as brief or as long as you want, so long as it properly advertises what the story will bel ike. After the outline is sent and reviewed, I will ask your permission to send an invoice via PayPal or an alternative. Writing will begin once payment is recieved.

Notice: If I believe I'm not up to writing it or am simply not comfortable with the content, I will decline and you will recieve no charges whatsoever. I will also do my best to direct you to other writers who may be interested in writing the kind of content you'd like to see. Also note that if your story is erotic, I will use a psudeonym.

Step 2 - Writing and Workshopping

I willl begin writing your story and will periodically show you portions of the story to get feedback and show my progress. You can look over the story and voice any suggestions or critique you have. Please be considerate and polite, but also very clear. This can be done via email or through a chat service of your choice.

Step 3 - Finishing Touches

The final step of the process. The Rough Draft is complete and the story simply needs some editing before release. This stage of the process normally ends when the client is satisfied with the final product.

[Final Notes]

  • Don't be nervous. If you're socially awkward, I am too. Just be honest and clear! If you're being rude, I'll be sure to tell you. Haha!
  • If I'm currently working on other stories, your commission may be place in a "queue" and won't be worked on until the other stories are completed.

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