Self-published independent author, writer and avid enjoyer of stupid, popcorn entertainment. Always happy to help!
"We all have a thousand bad drawings in us, the sooner you get them out the better." - Chuck Jones.

Age 31, Gamer


The Shadow Realm

Joined on 11/11/05

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i met an odd old man at subway.

Posted by homor - October 8th, 2007

i was watching tv today when my stomach started acheing.

i got off my couch and stared to raid the frige, much to my dissipinotment there was nothing in it.

i decided to get some fast food since it was all i had in mind.

after thinking to myself where to go for a littlw while i decided to go to subway, i got on my bike and started to head down town, after about ten hours in traffic i made it to the parking lot and chained up my bike.

i walked inside and talked to the the clerk

clerk: welcome to buway, may i take your order?
me: ill just take a plain turkey sub, no chesse, no veggies, just turkey.
clerk: would you like any sides with that?
me: no thank you.

while i waited for them to make my sandwich an old man walked in.

he was using a cane to walk and was dressed in a robe, no like a bath robe or anything, like a hood robe, it was black, he appered to be strugleing to keep himself standing, he was shaking repidly, as if he had parkensons diesese, he had his hood up as if he was trying to keep himself warm,

his cane appered to be the only thing keeping him up, and even with that cane it still looked like he could fall over any minute. the man obviously was on the brink of death.

he waited behind me in line for the clerk, i just ignored him and waited for my meat.
when my samwitch was FINALY done, i took and sat fown at a beanch, i unwraped it and was about to take a bite until i decieded to watch the old man make his order, since i was curious about him,

he began to talk to the clerk.

clerk: and what will it be sir?
old man: i would like a plain sandwich with turkey, nothing else.

he waited for the clerk to come back with his sandwich, i could have sworn i saw him fall asleep on the spot atleast once while waiting, it was a little bit weird.

when the clerk came back he was about to hand him his sub until he saw the money the old man handed him.

it was an entire bag of nothing but pennies, UNwraped pennies, this is where it got ugly.

clerk: sir...are you trying to pay for this sandwich in pennis? (he had it the sub in his hand while bitching out the old man BTW)
old man: i could have sworn i wraped them before i left off to this store.
clerk: im sorry sir but you're going to have to leave.
old man: but...i heaven't even eaten in three days...
clerk: well you're going to die soon anyway.

the old turned around and head towards the dorr, he such a dissapoint look on his face, and he had long beard too so it was just much more sad.

he opened the door and was about to leave until i stood up and said "wait!"

i walked up to him and talked to him.

me: here, take my sub...
old man: .....are you sure?
me: yeah, i don't need it, ill just buy another one.
old man: why thank you, such a nice boy you are.
me: no big deal.

i bought another sandwich and sat down at me beanch.

after i had finished my sandwich i was ready to leave until the old man i helped got up.

i wanted to watch him leave, something about him just cuaght my attention.

as he got there were three men (all of them looked like wiggers) we're right standing right next to the door, when the old man tryed to get to it they blocked it.

they began to threten the old man.

guy1: well hi there, leave so soon?
oldman: yes, i haave places i've got to go.
guy2: we see you have alot of pennies left, we need some pennies for the bug, ccould you spare some?
oldman: im sorry boys but i need this money to pay for the bus myself.

thats when they got scary, they pulled jack knifes out of their pockets and branthished them at the old man.

guy1: are you so sure that you don't wanna give those pennis? 'cuz we really need 'em!
guy3: yeah!

thats when the old did something that amazed me to no end, im still in shock by what happened.

oldman: ...hmm, it seems to me you really need my money...tell you what, i'll give you the pennies, but before you can have them, you have to drop those dangerous play things you have, get on your knees, and you all have to kiss me on the ass one time, and then ill think about giveing you all a penny each.
guy1 (looking really angry): ...what...did...you...SAY?

i was amazed at what the old man did, he didn't even pay any mind to the fact they had KNIFES, but it didn't end there, oh no, he started waving his butt in all their faces and saying "come on, kiss it you pussys!" over and over, at this point they were all reall pissed

guy1: you know what? at first i felt bad about robbing your sorry ass, but now? im going to kill you too.
oldman: go ahead, give your best shot you cock sucking cum loving sissy.

the guy lifted up his knife like he was going to stab him, but when he tryed the old slaped the knife out of his hand and put his foot on it so he couldn't pick it up.

oldman: ok boy, up until this point, it was cute.

the old man grabed the robber by the arm and fliped him over his head, crashing him ino a table.

guy2: holy shit!
clerk (yelling out from the counter): im calling the fucking cops!
guy3: holy shit lets get the fuck out of here tim!

they tryed to get to the doors but before they could leave the old man triped them with his cane

old man: aw, going so soon? but you for got your PENNIES.

he began to take the pennies he was carying from his bag and droped them on all three them, none them we're able to get up because they we're bruised so bad.

he began to turn away from the door, and then he over heard the clerk talking on the phone with the police.

clerk: hello!? 911!? there is a crazed old man attacking people inside the store and-

before he could finish what he said the old man yellled out "hey assshole!" the clerk looked over to him as the old man said "penny for your thoughts?"

he threw a penny from his bag at him like a frisbe, it hit the clerk in the eye, he began to stumble around until he triped over into the frying grease and burned his face off, dying in the process.

he then held his hand up in the air, this is where it gets sur-real.

he made a gesture as if he was about to snap his fingers, before he did he said "careful with all those pennys boys, that wealth can some times be too HOT to handle."

as he snaped his fingers the pennys began to glow, the three men began to look baffled at what had happened.

the glow quickly started to spark sizzle, the three guys started shaking and moving around trying t o get up, smoke started to come of the pennies, going from gray to dark gray, the three guys were trip all over themselfs trying to get the pennies off of them and trying to get away, but it was of no use.

one of pennies on the first guy who was unable to move at all from his ass kicking cuaght on fire, the fire began to spread to the other pennies on him until all the pennies on him were on fire, he began to shout "AHH! IT BURNS! HELP! HELP! SOMEONE HELP!"

the fire spread to the pennies on guy 2, who had much of the same reaction, and then to guy three.

they all started screming and moving franticly, one of them got up and started running around the store, setting many tables on fire and soon enough the wall until he finaly stop moving.

at some point all of them stoped moving all of them were dead, all of them we're only the only ones in the store besides me, the clerk (whos dead) and the old man, the wall was on fire from guy2 touching it, the entire store was set ablaze, the tables and the counter cuaght on fire, i got of my seat and triped over some wall debre.

i thought it was all over from here, i closed my eyes and started to cry, but when i opened them the fire was gone, along with the entire store.

i looked around and the only thing left was the old man, and he didn't even look the same anymore, the same anymore, his bone shaking hands were swallowen and looked like that of a gorilas hands.

his long beard went from gray and dead to brown and full of life, his cane was now held in hands with ease, he stood by himself with his shoulders up and his hood down as the sun glew off his bald head.

what cuaght my attention the most was the fact that he had an eye patch on.

once i saw the eye patch it all became obvious who he was, but i had to be sure.

i stood up and walked towards him and began to talk to him.

me: are you.........Odin?

he just look at me with a smile on his face and noded his head yes.

he began to walk away from the ruins of the subway, but before he left he looked at me and said

" thank you for the sandwich."

i rubbed my eyes and he was gone.

i went home, lied on the couch, turned on the tv, and put it on the jeffersons.

before i went to sleep i thought about what hapwned, it was then i said to myself the words i will never forget, the advice i would follow for the rest of my life.

"lesson learned, never eat at subways again."

i met an odd old man at subway.


I believe you.


Except the part about the you getting off the couch.

ok that neve happened, but the rest is 100% true.

W.T.H.!?!?! That's freaky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously. Thankyou for sharing this. And to think, my friend went to a Subway in Hull just yesterday. Coincidence? Who knows? That IS surreal. Creepy, eh?

I mean, it would be as creepy as if one day you answered the door and Hank J. Wimbleton from Madness Combat 5 was stood there!

> Nez Man

that was hilarious also fuck you Homer42.

when i made this flaming pennies seemed like a good idea at the time.

You think YOUR Subways story is good? Try this one.

Subway, 2:04 PM, Sunday, April 1995.

Me: Hey, can I get a large sub?

Cashier: Fat ass.

Me: Fuck you, just give me my damn sammich!

Cashier: Fine, here you go, you fat sack of shit.

Me: Burn in a Quiznoz oven.

Cashier: Already am.

10 minutes and one large sub later...

Me: Ahhhh, that was good.

Stranger: Hey there, wanna buttsecks?!

Me: No.

Stranger: Kthx.

Me: Whats with the 4chan memes?


Me: 4chan freak!

Me: Hmmm, I guess he le-

Stranger: HAI GUYZ.


Stranger: Bai.

1 hour later in CarChaseCityMan's house...

Me: Ahh, the BBS. Awesome.



The Fuzz: We gotcha bitch!

Me: Hell nah!

The Fuzz: We're comin in!


The Fuzz: *Gunshot Gunshot Gunshot*

Me: Ack, I've been shot and I'm dead.

All because of fucking Subway.

pphhhfff, that happens every fucking week.

Me too, just a little different.

Sometimes the Stranger uses SomethingAwful.com memes.

he PAID to post on a forum?

6000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 yen a week, yup.

he pays 50 american dollars?!