"every night" says an unknown voice "the same dream.."
there is a giant room that appears to have no walls or a roof, it is large and all that is seen blackness.
there is a gnome sized boy, with elf ears and brown hair down almost down to his shoulders lying down on the ground, he is wearing a green cloak, brown pants, and a white shirt, with no shoes.
he opens his eyes slowly, he pushes himself up slowly, his arms shaking, until he is sitting up.
he moves his left, and then right, he sees nothing but darkness from all corners.
he plants both of his hands on the ground, and slowly lifts himself up.
he is able to lift himself up all the way, his hands lifting up from the ground with the rest of himself.
his entire body is shaking, as if he bearly has the energy to stand, he struggles to keep himself standing.
he looks the left of himself, then the right, and still, there is nothing but blackness.
he lifts his head up and sees the ceiling, it is also black.
he bows his head down, and looks at the ground to see what he is standing on.
a white circle on the ground appears to be the only thing keeping him from falling into oblinion.
the faint sound of footsteps is heard, echoing.
"whos there?" shouts the boy as he lifts his head up and looks around, his voice sounds like the voice from eariler.
he turns around and looks to the left of him, and then the right, there is nothng there.
he slowly turns around and pulls out a knife.
a black figure, muscular looking, is slowly walking towards him, it is only slightly taller then him.
"what in the name of od-" says the boy.
before the boy could finish the sentence the black figure runs towards him, it is too fast to dodge or avoid.
he is gripped by the thorat by the shadow and slammedagainst the wall.
"what the?" said the boy as he looked back the pure black wall. "how can that be a wall?" the boy turned his head back toward the figure.
the shadow cleas from the figure, he is revealed to the boy.
he is a dwarf with gray skin, black armor, shoulder pads in the shape of dragons opening their mouths, long dark gray hair a dark gray beard, and a scarred eye.
the boy didn't know who this dwarf was, but if any of the elders were there, if there was a memeber of the dwarven gurad, or even a dwarf much older then him, they would clearly see that the dwarf holding the boy to a wall by the neck, was highlord blackscale, the tratior.
blackscale tightened his grip on the boys neck, he slowly cracked a large, full toothed smile.
the pupil of blackscale's only open eye became beady and began to glow full red.
he started to cackle madly as he griped the boys thorat tighter.
the boy noticed something strage in the coner of his eye, he bowed his head down to view blackscale's torso, something was a miss.
there appeared to be handle on the left side of blackscales chest, but, why? why would there ever be a handle on someones armor?
as the boy looked at the handle, blackscale took his right hand and griped on to the handle as hard as he could.
he began to pull on the handle slowly, the boy heard a creeking sound coming from blackscales chest, as if a door was creeking open.
a white light was appeared to be coming out of blackscales chest, as if there was some kind of light inside whatever the handle opened to.
"OH TO HELL WITH IT." shouted blackscale between his mad cackling.
he opened his chest compartment completly, a blinding white light shined into the boys eyes.
the boy used what little stregth he had to cover his eyes.
blackscales luaghing became louder and faster.
"I AM NOT A MORTAL!" he shouted at the top of his lungs as continued luaghing.
blackscale suddenly stopped luaghing and losened his grip on the boys thorat.
blackscale just stood there griping onto the boys throat, with his chest compartment open, white light still shining from it.
"what?" said the boy.
the boy closed his eyes his eyes, the grip on his throat dissappeared, it didn't feel as though blackscale let go, it felt as though his hand dissappeared completly.
the boy slowly opened his eyes, he saw the blue ceiling of his room.
he sat up and looked around, the phone still ringing while he was doing so.
he looked to his left, and to his right.
he was in his room, lying in his bed.
his rooms walls were blue, with the celling, there was a desk and the opisite side of the bed, a dresser with its back agianst the wall next to his bed, the floor had a white shag carpet and on the desk was a computer.
"just a dream" said the boy. "who the hell is that guy?"
the boy grabbed the cell phone on the dresser next to his bed.
"hello?" asked the boy.
"is this harald?" asked what sounded like a female gnome.
"oh, hi becky." said harald.
"harald what are you doing? asked becky "its two in the afternoon on a saturday."
"well," said harald, rubbing the back of his head "i'd thought i'd sleep in today, gor'thok's training has been getting the best of me and..."
"training?" said becky "are you going into the dwarven gurad or something?"
"no," said harald "its just that i'm almost 18 and all."
"so what does that have to do with anything?" asked becky.
"well" said harald "in orcish culture 18 is considered old enough to go to battle, and its also old enough to join the dwarven gurad."
"so wait" said becky "he wants you to join the dwarven gurad?"
"no" said harald "its more of a tradition thing"
"oh." said becky "well, hows it been going so far?"
"well, yesterday i choped a huge hole in gor'thok's arm by accident" said harald.
"oh my god," said becky "is he okay?"
"yeah..." said harald "he seemed oddly happy for someone with a large gap cut into their arm, like he was...proud or something."
"wow," said becky "well, i guess thats orcs for you."
"oh, by the way" said becky "mayor twiggleforth called a manatory all citizens meeting in the twon hall today, so i guess you really can't sleep in."
"what?" said harald "why didn't you say something about this earlier?"
"well" said becky "it didn't really come up."
"where are you now?" asked harald
"outside your house." said becky.
the boy got out of his bed, still holding the phone to his ear, and looked out his window.
outside he house stood a female gnome, with pink hair, pig tails, a blue sweat shirt, brown sweat pants, and black shoes, holding a phone to her ear, she looked over at harald and waved.
"becky," said harald "why didn't you just come in and talked to me face to face?"
"well," said becky "i was gonna, but then i got lazy and just decieded to call."
harald let out a sigh.
"stay out there" said harald "i'm coming down."
harald pressed the "off" button on his phone and and floded it back up, he then set it back on the dresser.
harald slowly got out of bed on the left side, he walked around the bed to the dresser on the right.
above the dresser was a calander, on the dresser was a red pen, and harald's phone.
harald took the red pen, the calander had red x's on all the dates up to the 15th, the mounth was october.
the boy crossed out the 16th on his calander.
"two weeks" said the boy as he cracked a smile.
harald walked towards the door of his room, opened it and walked into the hallway.
the walls and were dark gray and the doors and carpet were light gray.
there were four doors, one that lead to haralds room, one next to haralds room that lead to a room with large two person bed, with red walls and a red carpet, this would have been harald's mother and father's room.
across from what would have been athlas and eliza's room is the bath room.
across from harald's room is an unused empty room with nothing in it but a window.
the stairs were in between parent's old room and the bath room, the stairs appeeared to have a landing and a window at the bottom, but it takes a turn right from there and leads down into the living room.
harald walked down the stairs into the living room, gor'thok was lying down on a couch on the far left end of the room, the door across and slightly to the right of him, on the other side of the room was a tv on a mantle, the walls and the ceiling were both white, while the carpet was brown.
the slowly walked down the stairs, quietly got off the landing, and attempted to sneak past gor'thok, as to not wake him.
harald was slowly tip toeing past the couch gor'thok was lieing on.
harald looked over at gor'thok halfway past the couch, he was using his right arm as a pillow, his legs lying on top of each other, his eyes were closed, he was breathing out of his nose.
harald was convinced gor'thok sleeping.
harald quietly walked up to door and put his hand on the knob.
"home-free!" the boy thougt to himself.
harald had made it, harald finally made it out, and he didn't wake up gor'thok, everything seemed perfect.
"where are you going?" asked gor'thok, in a slightly annoyed tone.
harald turned his head towards gor'thok, whos eyes were still closed.
"damn" thought harald.
"did i wake you?" asked harald.
"no." said gor'thok. "i wasn't sleeping."
"then what were you doing?" asked harald.
"i was waiting" said gor'thok.
harald stood there, still holding the knob, looking at gor'thok.
"hmm" said harald "thats...something."
"anyway" said harald "i'm off to meet becky."
"you mean your girlfreind?" asked gor'thok.
harald gazed angrly at gor'thok.
"phhf" said harald as he rolled his eyes. "i-i'm not even going to dignifi that ridiculous statment with a response."
harald turned his head back to the door and slowly began to turn the knob, his face losing the angry look.
"okay" said gor'thok. "but you know shes totally into you."
harald once again had angry look on his face.
but before he could say something, he remembered something, the angry look dissapearing from him.
he turned his head back to gor'thok.
"hey, you know theres a mandatory meeting in the town hall today" said harald.
"yeah" said gor'thok "i'm not going."
"why not?" asked harald.
"its the perfect area for an ambush" said gor'thok, as his eyes opened "it is poorly gurad, many high valued targets are attending, and a massive amount of people are showing up."
"poorly guraded?" asked harald.
"there are only two gurads, gurading both sides of the front door." said gor'thok. "its not enough to protect from anything."
"i don't care what the dwarven gurad says" said gor'thok "i'm staying away from that meeting."
"okay..." said harald "well i'm going out.
"here" said gor'thok as he used his free hands to pick a pair of black shoes by the laces. "put these on, you're not the hobbit so don't act like him."
harald took the shoes and put them on, and then walked out the door.
harald walked out to his front door, the cold wind blowing on his left side, his green cloak blowing with the wind.
becky was sitting on a log outside the house, looking bored, harald walked up to her.
"hey becky" said harald
"oh hey harald" said becky. "bout' tme you got out here."
"so" said becky as she stood up from the log "Are we going to the meeting or what?"
"can't" said harald "gor'thok says i'm not allowed."
"what?" asked becky "why not?"
"gor'thok says its a perfect setup for an ambush" said harald "there are only two gurads and a bunch of people."
"well who would attack us?" asked becky, sounding even more confused.
"the goblins, the trolls, maybe the ogres" said harald. "they all might have some kind of vendette against us."
becky didn't want to mention the orcs, since his parents have been away for ten years to keep an eye on them, they would send letters from time to time, avreage once a year, but recenetly the letters weren't sent in as much.
becky just shuged it off and proceded to stop asking questions.
"so, what else do you wanna do?" asked becky.
"well.." said harald, with his hand stroking his chin.
before harald could finish, a gurad stummbled upon them.
"HEY!" shouted te gurad as he walked up to the two "theres a mandatory meeting you two, why aren't you heading to it?"
"umm..." said harald as he moved his hand off his chin.
the gurad grabbed harld and becky's arms.
"come on you two." said the gurad "were going, thats final."
the gurad pulled becky and harald by the arms and walked them uphill to the town hall.
up a path of stone was the town hall, a chruch looking area with a bell tower, this bell was used to alert the citizens of attack.
the dwarven gurad stoped at the large door of the town hall and let go of the two's arms.
"this is as far as i go" said the gurad "i have to gurad the door."
"are you sure too gurads are enough?" asked harlad.
"its fine, like i told the others before you, you're perfectly safe." said the gurad "not get the hell in."
the two gurads pushed on the large doors, opening them.
becky and harald walked inside the town hall, the gurads closed the doors behind them.
"so" said the the gurad on the left side, the one who was originaly at the door "is there really enough gurads here?"
"hell no" said the other gurad "if theres an ambush we're fucked."
inside the town hall, becky and harald took their seats in the back row.
the town hall looked like a chruch, from the echo heard thruout, to the stage like area with a pedestal in the front, the seats even looked like chruch beanchs.
behind the pedestal are several metal fold up chairs, several dwarfs and gnomes could be seen sitting on them.
a gnome, surrounded by dwarven gurads, walks in.
he has a white beard, a white robe, and a brown staff.
when he gets to the stage, the dwarven gurads sit in the remaining metal chairs, and he takes the pedestal.
"hello" said the gnome. "this is mayor whitebeard here."
"i am here to disscuss a very serious issue with you all" said whitebeard. "recently the elders have been worried about recent threats from the goblin empire near our village."
"they have threatened our village that if it does not move futher away from it they would luanch an invasion," said whitebeard "this threats are now hightening into action, recenntly a goblin snapper somehow made his way past the wall around our village and bombed a fruit stand."
many in the crowd gasped, many began to whisper to each other.
"but there is no need to worry," said whitebeard "the dwarven king assures me that the gurads are doing everything they can at the momment, until then i suggest we-"
the sound of something breaking thru glass was heard, several people in the crowd looked back at the windows.
there, lying on the ground, it appeared to be a pile of red sticks lying on the ground.
a dwarf in the middle row saw the red sticks tide together, he instantly knew what it was .
"BOOOOOMMMMBBBBB!" he shouted as he pointed at the dynamite.
the crowd in the seats began to shout and panic, people were standing up trying to run out of their seats, people were pushing and fighting, several citizens were beating on the large dorrs, trying to get out.
harald and becky's way out of their seats was blocked by two dwarves fighting, harald attempted to push against them, but it was futile, the dwarves were too strong to be moved, one of them knocked harald down, becky quickly grabed on to his underarms and helped him up.
"stop it you idiots!" shouted harald.
the dwarves stopped fighting and looked over at harald.
"can't you see were all in grave dan-
the bomb exploded, knocking a thick cloud of dust into the air, nothing could be seen thru it, everyone in the building is thought to be dead.
but harald, harald was alive.
he was lying in between two of the benches, they were broken and in piaces.
harald had dust and brusies all over him, he tryed to move himself up, but the pain was too great, he couldn't even so much as move.
the clouds of dust were too thick to see thru, haralds eyes were closed however.
the benches of the room were wroken, piaces of wood were thrown everywhere, dead bodies and limbs were all over the building.
harald felt something grab on to his arms and shake him.
"harald!?" said the voice of a femle gnome "harlad!? harald are you okay? please get up!"
harald slowly started to open his eyes, the smoke cleared, he saw becky's face over him, looking concerned, she was kneeling over harald, griping both his arms in her hands.
"b-becky?" said harald, faintly.
becky helped harald up, harald was unsteady and his eyeswere red and puffy from the dust knocked into them.
"becky..." said harald, this time with a little more strength in his voice.
becky let go of harald's arms and wraped her arms around him.
"oh harald" said becky, holding harald "thank frey'ja you're okay."
"frey'ja?" said harald "the goddess of love? how did that come up?"
becky quickly let go of harald, her face was completley red, she was rubbing the back of her head trying to avoid eye contact with harald.
"umm, i..umm" said becky, sounding nervious.
before she could finish, the door was heard opening.
a dwarf, clad in sliver armor, walked in, he was general mort, behind him was fellow general ronald, they came in with several gurads following them.
"alright everyone!" shouted mort "everyone evactuate the area immediatly, this is a high tense situation, were under assualt."
harald looked behind himself, on the ground, the dwarves that were fightig were lying on top of each other, ones face was burned horribly, the one on top was lying face down.
"sir?" said harald, looking down at the face down body that looked alive "sir, we have to go."
harald turned the dwarf on top over, a large bloody piace of wood was impaled thru the dwarf's forehead.
"oh hell" said harald.
harald lifted his head back up, him and becky walked up to the gurads.
"you kids have to get out of here, now." said mort.
as harald, becky, and the gurads walked out, harald looked over at the area where the gurad who forced him and becky to come to the meeting, in it, lied the gurads dead body, 3 arrows were in his chect, and one was thru his mouth.
the other gurads were seen escorting dwarven and gnomish citzens outt of the broken and burning town hall.
harald looked down the hill, at the row of dwarven houses, large stone squares with doors and windows, at the end of the row of houses he saw the wall, behind it he saw some small shadowy figures messing around behind it.
"general mort?" said harald, looking over to mort.
"yes?" said mort
"can i take a look at the wall? i think somethings going on with it." said harald.
"fine, just don't stray too far off." said mort.
the boy walked down the hill, towards the wall.
when harald finally came offf of the hill, he heard a ticking noise.
for a momment, harald thought it may be a clock, but then he remmbered the sound of the bomb in the town hall.
"oh shit" thought hasrald.
harald quickly knew what would came next.
harald ran towards one of the houses and hid himself on the side facing away from the wall.
a loud bomb was heard coming from the opisite side of the wall, and towards the town hall.
harald poked his head out from the side of the house and looked at the wall, a large hole was made in it, what was in the whole could not be seen, as dust was knocked out from it.
"ATTACK!" shouted a wisely sounding voice.
arrows began to fly from the clouds of dust, harald quickly ducked his head back behind the wall of the house.
the arrows had stopped flying, harald poked his head back out and looked at the wall again this time, the dust had cleared.
there, harald had seen them.
they stood there, green skinned, large eared, holding crude weapons in their hands, wearing poorly built armor, or simply loin cloths.
these were the goblins, the vile monsters had lunched an attack.
harald ducked his head back behind the wall of the house, he knew that he couldn't fight them off alone, he didn't even have a weapon.
harald closed his eyes, tryed to place himself out of the situation, he was frozen with fear, his freind becky was completely out of sight, the gurads were nowhere to be seen, and at his back was an army of goblins, only 3 houses down.
harald heard the sound of metal clanking on te ground, like footsteps in metal boots, harald thought it to be thhe goblins, but then it hit harald, all the goblins were barefoot.
harald opened his eys, and there, accross from him, standing the bottom of the hill, they stood, in their shining silver armor, some holding swords and shields, others were in the far back, holding rifles.
they, were the dwarven gurad.
mort, the general of the east region of the dwarven empire, was standing in front of them, a scabbard with a sword in it around his waist.
he pulled the sword from his scabbard and held it in the air.
"now!" he shouted "defend the kingdom! defend the village!"
the dwarves charged toward the goblins, harald moved his head towards the goblins, they were charging at the dwarves aswell.
arrows were flying from the side of the goblins, while bullets from the rifles were flying from the dwarves side.
the goblins were at a dis-advantage. their armor was ethier highly exposing or non-existent, their weapons were crudely forgered, and broke against the dwarves armor. their arrows were prone to missing, and when they were able to hit a dwarf they would break on contact with the dwarven sheilds.
the dwarves, however, were at fantastic advantage, their armor was greatly built and was able to withstand the goblins attacks, even cause the goblins weapons to break. their weapons were masterly creafted, slicing thru the goblins flesh with ease, and their riflemen were highly skilled, almost never missing, and they easily ripped thru the goblin.
harald watched the two armies battle, peaking his head past the building, he the dwarves smash in the goblins head with their sheilds, he saw the dwarven musket balls rip thru the goblins flesh, and even thru their entire bodies.
he watched as the goblins failed missrebly as they attempted to harm the dwarves, as their weapons and arrows broke, as the dwarves knock the goblin scum to the ground with their sheilds.
it look as thought the dwarves had the battle in the palm of their stubby hands, but fate would have other plans.
a large explosion rock the war feild, several dwarves were knocked into the air.
the dust had cleared, the explosion had burned the ground around it.
standing there, in the middle of the scorched ground, a goblin, in what appeared to be fine crafted black armor, holding a sword in one hand, and nothing else.
this was not just any goblin, his eyes were blood red, his armor had the seal of the goblin empire on its back, he was an extra vile, his was more full of hate.
he was the goblin warchief.
sevral dwarven gurads backed away from him, knowing of the monsters power.
the riflemen fired at the beast, hoping that the the massive amount bullets would be too much for him to dodge.
the goblin rasied finger, and the bullets had frozen in the air.
"hmm" said the goblin, as he smirked. "cute, but it'll never work."
the goblin snapped his fingers, and and the bullets reversed.
the bullets hit several of the riflemen, killing them on contact, but some maneged to dodge them, the goblin turned away from them.
"i have no intrest in you grunts." said the goblin.
the goblin turned towards the house facing away.
his empty hand began to glow black, the goblin rose his blackened hand and snaped his fingers.
the house was ingulfed in flames, the house burned down to the ground, a thick black cloud of smoke appeared from it.
as it vanished, a gnome, wearing a white beard, with a white robe, was seen jumping out of the smoke, falling, it was mayor whitebeard, he had survied the bombing.
whitebeard stood up and looked at the goblin, with anger in his eyes.
"fraggletooth" said whitebeard.
fraggletooth ran up to white beard and knocked him down, and held his sword to his chin.
"now..." said fraggletooth "if you surrender your pathedic village to the goblin empire, i'll let you run away free, unharmered."
"i'd rather die then see you suceed" said white beard.
fraggletooth picked up whitebeard by the neck, holding his blade closer to his neck.
"haha." said whitebeard.
"whats so funny?" asked fraggletooth, sounding angry.
"you're gonna die before you please your master."
fraggletooth threw whitebeard to the ground and planted his foot on his chest.
fraggletooth, with both hands griping the swords handle, rose his sword up in the air.
harald looked away, tears in his eyes, he knew that whitebeard would die by the hand of this monster, whitebeard led a legacy starting from when harald was a boy as one of the most kind and caring leaders to live, and it would all be ended by this horrible monster.
harald heard the sound of metal clanking aganist dirt, he knew what had happened.
he opened his eyes and looked over to fraggletooth, holding the severed head of whitebeard by his beard.
"heh" said fraggletooth, as he he lifted the severed head to his face, "just like any pack of stupid animals, when the leader dies, they all fall apart."
fraggletooth lowered the head back down from his face, and went towards the dwarves and goblins still fighting.
he rose the head in the air above his head.
"HALT!" he shouted.
the goblins and dwarves looked over to fraggle tooth, as the dwaves watched in horror as their beloved leader had a part of his head swung around, as the goblins watch in thrill, with happiness on their faces.
a firestorm of hatred hit harald, and hard, he saw as gurads of his kingdom died, as a mayor of his childhhod home was beheaded, and now, he thought he had witnessed the end of his village.
but harald had no intention of leaving the place of his birth so easily, bellow him was a blade, sitting at his feet, dropped by a gurad, the sun shining off it like some sort of gift from odin.
harald knew now what had to be done, harald grabbed the sword by the handle, and ran towards fraggletooth, whose back was turned.
if harald was not at the heart of the battle, maybe this rage would not have overcome him, maybe he would have only left his home in mild deppression and tryed to live a new life in a new village, maybe he would have shugged it off and gladly changed homes, maybe he would have even moved out of the entire dwarven kingdom.
but not now, harald had seen what could have been the death of his home in front of him, harald saw the death of the greatest leader his village ever knew die, and the only way to save it was sitting before him.
"i, fraggletooth higginstein declare th-"
fraggletooth felt a sharp pain, a grinding awful pain rip thru the back of his neck, he slowly moved his pupils down, and there, was a large, sharp blade sticking out of his neck, covered in his own blood.
harald had done it, he had slain the monster where he stood.
harald pulled his sword of fraggletooth's neck, the goblins watched in horror as they droped their weapons, while the dwaves watched in total confusion.
fraggletooth droped to his knees, blood spilling on to the the ground, making the snow red.
fraggletooth fell to the ground, his face landing into a pool of bloody snow.
mort, hit by the erailer explosion, with one of his arms exposed and hanging limp off of him, covered in brusies, stood up and looked at the bloody corpse of fraggletooth, and harald, standing over him with a blood covered sword.
mort turned his head over to the remaining fighters, as the goblins were droping their weapons, mort knew what had happened.
the pain from the explosion wounds were not enough to break the pride mort felt at this momment.
the dwarves turned their heads back to the unarmed Goblins, and attacked them.
some of the goblins were slashed in half, others had the blades stabbed thru their chests.
the goblins fell like flys, dieing quickly, some trying to run, some trying to pick up their weapons.
the rage had drifted away from Harald, as he watched the goblins all, as he saw the blood covered body, as he saw his blood covered blade, the shock had hit him hard.
harald fell down backwards aganist the snow, fainting. the shock was far too great for him, but when he would awake, he would be given praise almost equal to that of his father, the gaint slayer.
several hours had passed, Harald had woken up, but had not opened his eyes.
he remembered everything almost photogrpahicly the events that took place, the explosion, the battle, and the death of fraggletooth, by his own hands, and he remembered falling to the snow covered ground.
but he did not feel the ground on his back, the surface he felt was soft and warm, he felt covers on himself, he felt a soft pillow under his head.
but, the bed he was on didn't feel like his, it was too soft, too warm.
harald opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a white room, looking like a room in a hospital.
suddenyly, a dwarf in scrubs holding a clipboard walked thru the door, and looked at harald.
"i see you pulled thru, hero." said the doctor with a smile on his face.
harald sat up and continued to look at the doctor.
the doctor walked up to harald's bed and filped thru the pages on his clipborad.
"alright then" said the doctor, "you had a few brusies, some cuts, one of them was infected but its all cleared up now, you're free to go home"
harald lifted the covers off of himself, planted his feet on the ground, and walked toards the door.
harald placed his hand on the knob, the doctor turned his head towards him.
"oh, by the way" said the doctor "nice job saving the village."
harald opened the door, and walked out, closing it beind him.
harald cupped his hand on his face, covering his eyes.
the event played over and over in his mind, him stabbing fraggletooth, him watching fraggletooth die, him falling to the ground, him seeing the mayor die, it all replayed in harald's mind in still pictures.
harald felt something grip oto his left shoulder, harald moved his hand from his face and opened his eyes.
standing infront of harald, holding his shoulder, gazing at him, was the current dwarven king, charles.
"the goblin you killed was goroth fraggletooth" said charles, making eye contect with harald "he single handedly destroyed 3 human villages and and sold territory and armerments to the forrest trolls, he was one of the wrost and most powerful war crimminals ever to live, no one was ever able to even lay a finger on him until now."
"wow..." said harald as he cracked a half smile "that kinda makes me feel better..."
"i need one more favor" said charles.
"whats?" asked harald
"your father was a famous negotiator right?" asked charles.
"yeah..." said harald, looking confused.
"well, i'm sure he passed something down." said charles.
"w-...what do you mean by that?" asked harld.
"i'll explain later, and let your loved ones know you're okay." said charles as he let go of harald's shoulder.
"aw come on man!" said harald "you can't just leave me hanging like this your highness! i need to know now!"
[end of chapter two]
That was an interesting story.
I enjoyed it. XD
its not over yet.