you know what i hate? people whispering in movies, but you already know that.
allow me to explain:
you're watching a movie right? maybe two guys are in a bar, or maybe they're in a living room, they start talking about something, maybe its related to the plot or maybe its something retarded that you could afford to miss, ethier way they're talking.
but theres a problem: they're whispering, maybe not literally, but they're talking too quietly, at a volume no human being would talk at.
you go to the tv to turn it up, and then, and right when its up someone comes into the bar when an uzi and starts firing, or it cuts to a scene with loud music.
and then you end up getting scoulded by a family member, or a friend, or someone you live next to, but it wasn't you're fucking fault, its the people who made the movie itself.
none the less you still take the heat for something someone else millions of miles away from you did.
i. fucking. hate. that. so. much.
i mean, how the fuck does that even happen? don't the people making the movie know when the actors are talking too quietly, shouldn't someone shout "cut!" and and lecture them about how quiet they are?
maybe its not them, maybe its the people who work on the audio, maybe while working on the audio they were more concerned with how loud the music they paid for was or how cool the gunfights sounded then being able to hear the cast.
or maybe its both, the directors didn't handle the actors well enough and the audio people didn't didn't fix it.
or maybe it was just a human mistake, and they couldn't control it or forgot to or were too busy tying to meet the deadline.
ethier way, it still boils my piss.