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"We all have a thousand bad drawings in us, the sooner you get them out the better." - Chuck Jones.

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The New Adventures of Doc Strange! Prolouge 1-4: Doc Strange Versus the Nazi Menance!

Posted by homor - January 22nd, 2010

Berlin, 1945:

the air is thick with the smell of gunpowder and explosive residue, the sound of gun fire, explosions and death can be heard in the far off distance.

American Planes fly over the monstorus homeland of the Nazi Menance like the Cavalry of Angels over the fires of hell.

American tanks and Soldiers patrol the streets of the Nazi Stronghold, the eye of the Demonic Nazi storm.

we turn attention our attention to 3 American Officers held up in a single fox hole, surrounded by a Platoon of the most horrifying Sub-human Monsters anyone could ever Conceive, Nazi Soldiers! given support by 3 Panzer Tanks fueled by pure Nazi hatred!

"Great Scott!" says one of the American Soldiers, "we're completely surrounded! there's no way out!"

the Officer leading the Platoon cackled maddly like a Hyena, a NAZI hyena.

"these pathetic Americans are no match for THE FINEST OF HITLER'S ELITE WHITE TEMPLARS!" the Nazi Officer said, his voice like the scrape of the rusty knife of Injustice across the Blackboard of American Values! "When we bring these high ranking American Soldiers to Master Adolf, he will reward us greatly!"

but luckily for the Boys in Blue, fate has other plans!

as the Nazi monsters circle in on the American Defenders, one of the Panzer Tanks is suddenly launched in the air!

the Devilish Nazi War Machine is launched 50ft in the air! before the Nazi Dogs have time to react, it quickly comes crashing down to earth, exploding into fiery shrapnel and raining death upon the nazis, killing twenty of them.

as the Nazis tumble around in shock, another explosion erupts! sending another twenty Nazi Beasts flying!

with only ten Nazi Soldiers left the Nazis turn to panic!they run around in horror, screaming with the little command or Discipline you would expect from Hitler's vile army of hate.

"Quickly you incompetent Buffoons!" shouted the Officer, his hands trembling barely escaping shell shock as the the Battlefield erupts and explodes around him. "get to the tanks! we'll have ssafe cover there!"

as always, the Nazi Officer could not be more wrong! for as the Nazi Cowards shuffle towards the tanks, they explode in an inferno of Death!

all that Remains of the Nazi Platoon is the Nazi officer, once proud commander of one of Hitler's proudest task force, now mearly a lone, trembling Nazi.


"YOU call ME a coward?" said a voice somewhere in the distance.

the Nazi Officer, shocked, seached around to find where the voice was coming from. sweat rolling off his disgusting Nazi Scalp as he is surrounded by the flames and bloodshed of what was once his Platoon.

"you and your Nazi brothers have tortured innocent simply people because they were different, you bombed our boys at Pearl Habour to inflate your already oversized egos, and you call ME a coward?!" said the mysterious voice, growing angrier.

"who the heck do you think you are?" said yet ANOTHER mystery voice, this one sounding like that of a child.

The Nazi Soldier felt some kind of great pressence behind himself, like two glowing embodiments of everything he and the Nazi army wasn't, with great fear in his heart, and there he saw them!

one figure, a strong adult in a Crimson Shirt, Blue Jeans, and Black Shoes, and the other figure, a small child in an identical outfit wih a green cape.

indeed, he saw them in the flesh and knew the legends were true, there they stood, The Amazing DOC STRANGE and his faithful Ward MIKE!

together, with a mighty, collaborative punch, Doc and Mike knocked off the foul head of the Nazi officer, sending it flying miles and miles away, where it could never hurt anyone again!

the dust settled, the once active battfeild was now a crater, no explosions, no gunfire, just the universal song of silence!

as the 3 American crept out of the Fox hole and looked around them, they began to think to themselves "who was that?" "what just happened?" "what did all this damage".

they all agreed to leave well enough alone and just be glad that whatever happened, it saved there lives as they all began to head back to base.

they would never truly know they were saved by the greatest Superheroes of all time, Doc Stange and his partner Mike!

but that was fine with them, as Doc and Mike had other matters to attend to, as they stood infront of the Demonic Cathedral of hate, they both felt a Strange mixture of fear and anger.

"yikzers zikzers! is this...?" said Mike, the Boy Oddity.

"indeed it is." replied Doc Strange. "this is the housing place of the Ultimate Evil, ADOLF HITLER!"

[To be Continued...]

based on the Classic Public Domain Works of Nedor comics, to learn more about Doc Strange's original Adventures, and the Adventures of Other PD Superheroes, please Visit: The Public Domain Superheroes Wiki.


Unique and eye catching. I enjoyed reading this. Superheroesqe stories remind me of the old comics I read when I was younger, as did this.

I didn't over enjoy the setting. Nazi and war-torn Germany are used in some many things. Taking the story into a post-war 50's America would be Awesome on the other hand.

Looking towards more.

after Hitler's defeat we're going into OUTER SPAAAAAAAACE!

and after that we're going into a completely place entirely, where exactly? I'll leave that a suprise.